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Think this would work?

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Ok well this afternoon me and my friend were talkin about subs and all that good stuff, I told him I needed to get some kind of sound deadener like dynamat or e-dead you know that kinda stuff. He was like you know that memory foam, the stuff used on that one bed, youve prolly seen the commercials for it on tv, but would that stuff really work? He was like I dont see why it wouldnt. Even if it would work (which I really kinda doubt) he wasnt sure if it would trap mositure, which is not good because that causes cancer on cars. But would something odd like that work?


i used foam in my spare tire area (put it in a plastic bag- its a good idea i think) and no more rattle from below.. worked like a charm... just used ordinary foam, got the shit from my families business (for like computer shit)


Great Stuff in a can is what it is called. What it is: construction foam. Why it is used: well , many reasons that you will find out how well it works for sound deadening.And of course because if anything it makes your car cancer resistant. Not to mention the lightest most effective and economic sound deadener. It works like 3- dimensional rubberized undercoating. Extensive use will only make your car more and more rigid for better high speed performance and take away all the annoying creaks, rattles and wind turbulence.


the only thing i dont llike about that stuff is it doesnt come off.. or i would have used it in the TGP-- it is really good


na, its not the great stuff, its the kind of foam thats in that one bed, fuck I cant remember the name of it either.


it comes back off. just if you get a drip, then let it set up before you try to clean up. dont try to clean up the great stuff when it is still wet or it will be a disaster.


Yeah I know the bed you're talking about...the one developed by NASA or whatever...I'd like that would work, but where are you gonna get this foam from??? That shit is expensive - or so I would have thoguht


You can use the expanding foam for the cracks and crannies to fill in gaps to reduce rattle. After thats all good, use dynomat or edead, or something of that nature, for the rest of the areas.


Memory foam has its use but it is for reaphulstering your driver seat for added comfort and to absorb farts. :lol:


I have memory foam in my bed.

Sure, it would work, but it takes up a ton more space than dynamat type stuff.

Not to mention it costs more per sq ft I think.


temperpedic bed. THEY ARE $$$$$ my matress was $1100 and the memory foam one was like $500 more. I don't know why you would want that, just get some e-dead like i did, it was easy to install and is much quieter in the cabin and the subs sound better. The memory foam would be a fuck load to buy and a pain to have it form to your trunk. Where were you looking to get sheets of the stuff?

just use dynomat or edead.....much easier and most likely much cheaper
Not likely to be cheap. Even the no- name generic stuff is too much to pay. I spent 20 30 bucks on that blue plastic backed material. Expect it to get closer to a bill with Dynojack. Trust me on the Great Stuff.

I was just wondering about it, because my friend went off on it for a good hour just randomly talking about it. I was planning on getting some dynamat, duno when though, I probably wont be able to for a long time because I dont have the time to put it in and Im not gonna order it and watch it sit there collecting dust. But he was like yeah well its energy absorbant and and you can fit in in some places cuz this and that.... but yeah that stuff is pretty expensive. Dynamat would deffinatly be cheaper. I know many people here have installed such things, whats involved? (besides the obvious) (I know I cant spell but dont worry about that :wink: :lol: )

just use dynomat or edead.....much easier and most likely much cheaper
Not likely to be cheap. Even the no- name generic stuff is too much to pay. I spent 20 30 bucks on that blue plastic backed material. Expect it to get closer to a bill with Dynojack. Trust me on the Great Stuff.


What!?!? :roll:


You can get edead for $1/ sq ft! And how can clean the surface and stick it on get any easier?


ANd the difference between a "Quality sound deadener" and all the other stuff found at a harware store is that sound deadener has a special adhesive that makes it stick even better when Pressure is applied to it. Thats why it works better. And most dont have a asphault smell to them which makes it suitable for use in the interior as well.

I was just wondering about it, because my friend went off on it for a good hour just randomly talking about it. I was planning on getting some dynamat, duno when though, I probably wont be able to for a long time because I dont have the time to put it in and Im not gonna order it and watch it sit there collecting dust. But he was like yeah well its energy absorbant and and you can fit in in some places cuz this and that.... but yeah that stuff is pretty expensive. Dynamat would deffinatly be cheaper. I know many people here have installed such things, whats involved? (besides the obvious) (I know I cant spell but dont worry about that :wink: :lol: )

Dynamat is usually more expensive than most other sound deadeners of equal quality.


As far as the installation. I just cleaned the metal sufaces with paint thinner and applied the sound deadener. You can use a roller to push it on and remove all the air bubbles, but I just used mt fingers.


You may require a hair dryer to heat it up and make it a little more flexable. But I just did it on a warm summer day and let it sit in the sun, cut it into manageable pieces, and I didnt have any troubles at all.


Until there is some area that you cant get to that is rattling profusely. like a taillight lens on some cars. Th great stuff comes with a straw. I have had to drill a hole just to inject foam in to relieve my system of the most annoying rattles. Believe me that all you hear when I come around the corner in my ride is nice clean low bass coming and going. Don't forget that it is paintable and shapable with a razorknife. I sculpt it and carpet over it.


Ive used that great stuff before, its safe to say that Ill never use that on my car. Thats like puttin black duct tape on a black car to cover up rust. I usually tend to go with things I know for sure will work and that are proven.


Puggsley456, Thanks, Ill have to do that one of these weekends if I can get one off, but I had to replace the battery on my car so thats a lil more that I dont have for that. But I think for now it should be fine, as long as I dont play the system too loud so that it makes everything rattle.

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