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Does anyone else have this problem?


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ok I know this sounds dumb but its really been annoying me for sometime now. When it rains or when I need to use the wiper blades, they always smear and leave streaks, Ive tried to find new ones, but all the new ones, they hit the hood and thats not good, Ive trid cleaning the old ones with rubbing alcohol, but it work for like the first 3 minutes :lol: I dont really want to order them cuz Ive tried it before and even those ones hit the hood. lol I told you this is kinda dumb but it really sucks when its raining or you need to use the wipers and theres always a smear right where you look out the windshield.

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Had that when I first got my Lumina. I was so poor I waxed the windshield. (yeah you read that right, waxed it) I know that sounds crazy but it actually worked. Now that I have a job I use Rain X every 3 or 4 months.


it worked for me, maybe give it a shot

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CLEAN your windshield. Use something really strong on it (Rain X sells some sort of cleaner) and then use regular Rain-X protected and the wipers don't have to work as hard.

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yeah Im gonna try rain-X, hopfully that will help out. but does anyone else have problems finding new wipers that wont hit the hood? I think the winpers I have now are about as old as the car :lol: and thats because all the wipers hit the hood

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Hit the hood?! WTF


...yeah no shit. i got the pricey BOSCH microedge blades on my GTP. best things to ever touch a windshield. i converted a handful of friends to them too.

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Hit the hood?! WTF


I am wondering the same thing.. lol





I still have the wipers that came with my car when I bought it last summer. Rain-X makes any wiper work 100x better. I'm sure that I'll need to buy some new ones for the winter though.

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Get wiper "refills" instead of the entire wiper. I've never had a problem with wipers hitting the hood on my GP's...and I've used a few different brands over the years.

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When I say hittin the hood, the blades go to the "resting" place under the hood, and theres the things that the arms slide on, yall know where Im talking about right, well when the arms start to slide there, the top of the blades where it connects to the arm hits the hood. Just to clarify incase you were wondering. I duno maybe my car is just fucked up, because it seems like no one else has the problem, but o well, Ill try some stuff mentioned above and see how it turns out.

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My friend used to have that car same color and everything. In fact I have the p.s.pump off it when it got junked. It is running my tgp's new rack and pinion just fine 8).I will ask him if he ran into that problem.

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Get wiper "refills" instead of the entire wiper. I've never had a problem with wipers hitting the hood on my GP's...and I've used a few different brands over the years.


:withstupid: Yeah, use the refills. I go with ANCO refills and haven't had a problem.

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