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HowTo on Euro 3.4 style body color taillight frame painting?

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My very white '93 would look sweet with the Euro 3.4 style body color framing of the taillights. I'm not gonna buy a set, and MAYBE might peruse through a junkyard, but I wonder if this could be a DIY situation.


I'm assuming that some light sanding, a bunch of taping, a couple primer coats, more sanding, and the color coat application plus more sanding should do the trick?


Has anyone else done this?


I'm assuming that some light sanding, a bunch of taping, a couple primer coats, more sanding, and the color coat application plus more sanding should do the trick?


Has anyone else done this?



I have never done it with lumina tails, but I did the same procedure with a set of 2G Probe GT tails to change the outline from red to black and they came out great....just take your time...


i thought about doing it...try it on some taillights from a j/y and post some pics! :D


And then do a brief write up since I wanna paint mine white to match the rest of the car as well


it should be too hard. I did the opposite when i painted my tails with nightshade. Just basically tape off whatever you dont want painted, sand it, put a coat of primer or so on it, sand it some more, then add a few coats of the white paint! :D


Thank god my car's gonna be black.. No need to paint tail frames for me..


I think I'll paint my trim white as well... and maybe I'll save the trunk from my euro, or just the spoiler... my '93 has the rack/fake spoiler thingy, and SOMETIMES I like it, but ummm, usually I don't... :roll: ... too bad my white '92 Euro's white is an off-white, whereas the 93 is crystal clear white... oh well, nothng some sandpaper, primer, a tack cloth and a couple cans of duplicolor can't handle...

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