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Top speed Again! 3.4L not 3100/3400

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my lumina felt fine at the speed limiter, i think the euro's spoiler had something to do with that as at about 90 or so i felt the rear end squat down and stick


at 180 kmh my car sticks to the ground like flys on shit :twisted:

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Be for I got the FFP Chip My Z34 would only do 124... After that The fastest I've had it up to was 141, I only know this because my friend has a ford lighting and you can turn the odomitter on those trucks into a digital spedo and he was right next to me and said we where going 140.8(it had more to go however that was fine for me)... I've read that a 3.4 can do 152, But it probably requires alot of straigt road.


I don't think it would take that much road.... since when you're going that fast, your RPM's are still in the powerband....


I got my 86 monte carlo up to 125 back when I still had it but I can only ge my 3.1 lumina up to 115. yeah, that sucks


I took my 89 Cutlass up to 112mph with 2 friends riding along.

It felt like it took FOREVER to get it that fast, and I let off at 112 because it took so long I was starting to chicken out.

The car felt rock solid stable at that speed though. I never did it again because I don't have suicidal tendencies. I value life WAAAAY too much to ever go that fast ever again. I haven't gone above 90 for probably 8yrs.


i usually let off cause It takes soooo long and I can just about hear my gastank emptying.


Just got back from CT from seein my girl...and looking at a TGP in hartford (he's asking 4k, it needs a grand worth of work, i doubt he will take the $800 i offered)


I was had my speedo pegged at 120 tach at 4200RPMs and she still had plenty left...the speedo didnt go up that fast but i was MOVING. I also have an aftermarket computer and was going downhill.


wish i had the TGP to do that with....grrrr

  • 4 months later...
my speedo doesn't go high enough to tell me my top speed in my Stock Lumina Z34 8)





Except i have a base lumina, with the good ole 85 mph speedo. The car easily passes that limit, and the fastest i have gone is probably close to 100mph (my friend was behind me in his vr6, and he said he was doing 98 and i was still pulling away). Not to many places here where you can really punch it, plus if i got caught, I would probably lose my license for like, 90-180 days. I need my license, so i dont like to push it to much.




whoops, i just realized i searched for a certain thread, and this came up, and just woke an old one. let the wet noodle lashing begin!



I've topped my '96 Olds out at 115 MPH, ust to see if the speedo actually went that far. I know it was that fast since i got a ticket for it also, on my birthday at 2:00am in the morn. What a birthday present, a $100 ticket and almost a night in jail. Cop felt sorry for me since it was my birthday, so he wrote the ticket and told me to slow down so that I could live the rest of the night/day. Lets just say, I do the speed limit now.

How did you manage to do 115. I can only ever get to 107-108mph or is the speedo really that inaccurate at those speeds.


lol this threat is like what, 4 or 5 months old now, geez lol.


my speedo is accurate uptop 115 (had 2 cars next 2 me saying the same speed) but the majority of them arent.



lol this threat is like what, 4 or 5 months old now, geez lol.


my speedo is accurate uptop 115 (had 2 cars next 2 me saying the same speed) but the majority of them arent.





That is why i said let the wet noodle lashing begin.


//Gets ready for the beatdown of his life. Wet noodles hurt!//






Damn, I just finished my spaghetti before I read the wet noodle post, now I don't have any to whip with.


I've had a couple of my CSs up to 117, the Prix 3.4 up to 125, and the Z hasn't seen over 100 due to really bad tires. The Ventura used to be able to hit 150+, before I put 3.73 gears in it. I really need the high gears again, I bet I could hit 170 with the right gearing. Of course the last time I went 150 my tranny screwed up, but I showed a highly modefied mustang whos boss.

I dont think they did..... and my question to you is why?

on a W-body's stock suspension, even with the fe3 package, would you want to, IMO the handling goes to shit after 105-115 any ways.....

unless you get better struts/springs/and moonleaf I personally wouldent want to go over that..... I have been to 126 in my GTP, and I dont plan on going back to there unless 2 things happen...

1. I NEED To....

2. I upgrade my sus package......


I almost topped my car out on I-71 (was no reason to.. it was just me) and i didn't really notice too much of a difference in the handling.. it got a little worse but I need new struts anyways.. so I'm sure that was a major factor. I'd top it out if I was running from some one who was shooting at me.. but for any other reason it's not a good idea for me. lol


I did another high speed run, and at 180km/h the car started vibrating like a mofo :lol:


I could hear the windows over the engine and stereo :shock:


plus, I got air multiple times :lol:


not exactly the best road in the world, but it was close :P


good to know I guess. I haven't had my Euro 3.4 past about 160km/hr (100mph) yet, but it felt like it had more.


My talon tops out at 240km/hr, ~145mph. No limiter there. My previous car, an 92 integra topped out around 210km/hr, ~130mph, again no limiter.


well... I badly need tires balanced, and a new rim, and probably a wheel alignment and new struts... definately need to get rid of the sag :lol:


wow, there is alot of Differance in the 3.4 isnt there?? my Friends 95 Monte Z34 is gov in OD at 107 but in Drive she will go to 115 and kick out again.....


His old 92 Lumina 3.1L was Gov in OD at 119 Interceptor

on its second motor now with 90,000 on it and 160K on the body

His First 3.1 was quicker with 125K then the 75K mile one he installed...but when a shop fucks up and forgets a bolt in the Head thats not a good thing.



My old 91 Cultass 3.1L was Gov in OD at 137 according to the Digi Speedo and that is MPH not Kph but she Floated at 120

RIP@379,xxx miles...



My STE 3.1 is Governed at 142MPH@4700-4900rpm in OD at least that is what I was Clocked at.... and she Reds at 6000 so I should be able to get close to 150 with out a Governer...she floats


and be for you talk shit. saying ther is no way...I have people to back me. and hell if you want I'll take you that fast but you better not shit your self. and if you want to Race on the HWY lets go you may get me at the 0-45 with your little 3.4 but when the PSI hits IM gone...


BTY Im stock with the exception of a K&N....

and I have 143,000 miles.


and now that my head is big..J/K :oops:


I wonder how Fast a 3.4 in a w-body would be with out a governer??

I bet 150 wouldnt be to hard....with tires and suspention and a good driver.


I have only gotten my car to 110mph. Then got scared cuz i felt like i was flying and had no control of the car. I was beating a maxima though. my rpms were only at 3500. OH, and my car has NO rev limiter in nuetral. or 6500 or whatever it is when its in gear. its 4 grand in park.

not exactly the best road in the world, but it was close :P


I keep visualizing a white z34 plastered with mud going down a dirt trail WRC style with anime music blasting. :lol:


Why dont you guys get a chip out of a 89 cutlass 3.1 or 2.8 they dont have the speed limiters on them they would be cheap fix for your 3.1 Luminas. :D


the fastest ive had the phantom going was 115 seemed like it took a decent amount of time to get there, about about 100 it loses is oomph, i can get pretty good higher speed acceleration going from 50 or 60 and goes to 80 no sweat and 90 no sweat either, thats when the power starts to fall off... i tried with 2 friends in the car but i only got up to like 105 before she was taking too long and i didnt want to get pulled over, but with just me in the car its pretty ballsy intill the triple digits, and it seemed like it was pretty stable and everything in the triples


I got the GTP up to 137, still had more room to go :)


PS- This was done on a closed track in Bulgaria


~ NicK ~


bulgaria???????? may i ask how the hell, why and how much it cost to get there

not exactly the best road in the world, but it was close :P


I keep visualizing a white z34 plastered with mud going down a dirt trail WRC style with anime music blasting. :lol:



been there, done that :lol: :shock:

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