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Low oil pressure

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I was sitting at a red light toaday, and I noticed my oil pressure was low. I pulled over to check my oil, and added about 1 quart. But the pressure is still low. Sometimes the light will flash if im sitting at a light. Now, my oil pressure guage has been acting funny for awhile now. So, Im hoping thats all it is. Is there anything that could go bad with the guage that makes it wrong? The car runs fine so I dont think its a head gasket. The other thing im thinking it may be is the oil pump. Anyone else ever have any problems with there's?


My 90 euro does that sometimes. I have been told it's the thermister getting stuck.


The sender is most likely acting up. It's right next to the oil filter.


My car had the sending unit and guage replaced last year and when the engine warms up, the pressure does drop some, like 1/4 on the guage. However if I increase the RPM to 1000rpm it goes back to normal (when mine goes low I'm at idle in stop and go traffic)


So I don't worry about it.


Does this happen when you are driving, or sitting at idle with the temperature guage a little higher then usual?


It just started doing it. I was sitting at a traffic light and the low oil pressure light started blinking. I step on the gas and it goes up some, but not alot. When i drive, the guage doesnt even go up half way.


Maybe your oil pressure actually is low. The pump could be worn or the crank bearings.


probably a screwy sending unit, they all break i swear. my euros oil psi gauge is goofy.


change that and go from there.


I am going to replace the sending unit, start from there. I really hope thats all it is.


if its any conceltation, read your owners manual, it claims it is normal behavior for the oil light to blink on and off in traffic, however i have NEVER seen mine or any other car do this.... so that that for what its worth.


My winter beater is horrible, crank bearings are really worn. After it warms up it will have zero oil pressure at rest in gear.

My other Lumina never goes below half and usually stays in the 3/4 to max range. The cluster and sensors have been in both cars so it's not that. Funny thing is they have almost the same mileage. :lol: I don't care cause for one I paid $125 for the car and right away I will be putting a new engine in my good car so it's old drivetrain can go in the beater.


Well, I replaced the sending unit. Seems to have fixed the problem. Im so relieved thats all it was. Thanx to everyone that helped me out, i appreciate it.


I was lookin' today, and I guess the GM engineers say that 15 lbs of oil pressure at 1100 rpm's is okay for these engines ... hope that helps some ... in case someone happens to be lookin' for that info and finds this topic using the search function.



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