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W-body owner profiles?


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I think this has been discussed here before, but what is everyone's opinion on this?

I was thinking of something simple, like a page with a few pictures of the car, all the mods and changes they have done, name, contact info (email, IM Programs).

Reason I ask, is I have the ability to upgrade my site's hosting plan from a meager 350 mb storage and 15 gb transfer, to a huge 750 mb storage and 37 gb transfer. My monthly payments stay the same as well. So I'm trying to think of creative ways to use this new upgrade to benifit the W-body community..


Ideas, comments? Throw em out here..

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I personally am about to do this myself....well kinda


On my personal site http://www.crazy-train.net....I have tons of stuff (yall please go check it out and sign too!!). Programs, projects, etc.


Im designing this place called the garage with all my automotive stuff, and its going to be like a site within a site.


It would rock to use that to host some stuff, with people having a hard time at times to get pics up. That and have a simpel profile pages, but more than whats on this forum. Then, if the user has their own site, they can have a link in there too!!



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That would be great!


350mb? My whole site is only 30 mb (even though since I host it myself I have unlimited storage/transfer amount). What would you do with 750mb?



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Video's, pictures.. a forum.. I dunno.

I just like to have the overhead free space to work with I guess.


My site itself is roughly 240 mb.. that's with all the pictures, videos and files. There's a couple sub domains as well, but their not taking any more than 10-20 mb.. I'm sure with multiple vehicle profiles (with pictures) the files would start to add up, even if the photos were all optimized.

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I dont have any limits :). My sites hosted by my friend, and as long as I dont have billions of people come to my site at once, or try to make a profit selling items(like a company) (i can sell personal stuff, like what I do now)....I only pay gfor the domain name. I helped build the server it runs on last year at GMU.



my site is really small now. liek a few MB. Im writing a Linux Shell Scipt now to back it up, just wanna find a way to have it not back up the pictures, just html and stuff. Then it sends me an email saying it was done, and then a link to download it



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Well, it looks as if you guys are intrested.. so I'll go ahead and upgrade. (since it don't cost me anything :mrgreen: )

I've got Adobe Golive at home on my macintosh, and since the only PC I use is at work, I'll need to familiarize myself with Go live before I can do much of anything to the site. I currently use frontpage to work on my site, and I only have access to that at work, and I don't think they'd be too thrilled if they seen me working on a personal site under their time! lol


Anyone know of any other good web site editing programs that will run on a macintosh? Just looking for other options..

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I used to have tons of stuff on my Mac for webediting. But no WYSIWYG editors, just nice text ones. Dont even know whats out there now.


I still feel that the best is Simple Text (or notepad for you windoze guys)



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