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Sunroof cover removal


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You know that thing I am talking about? The little cover that slides back and forth on the inside for the sunroof? The one in my GP has the headliner portion falling off. And it's starting to piss me off, flapping around inside the car...


Is there an easy way to get this thing out so I can fix it? I have tried a few methods, but my lack of patience in this area is getting the better of me.

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I've done it before. I didn't have to take out the headliner. It's been around 7yrs since I've done it, but I think I took it out through the top after removing the glass.

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Well, the rest of the headliner is sagging a bit, but I was going to hold off on an overall replacement. It kind of looked like you couldn't get to the cover by removing the whole headliner, 'cause it's in the roof, but I can't be sure till I remove it.


It might not be too tough to remove the glass, at least I can see the fasteners in there. I'll give it a try when it is not raining.

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It's super easy to remove the glass. I think it was 4 screws. I'm not even sure if the screws had to come completely out. I'm vaguely remembering only having to loosen the 4 screws, and then sliding the roof. I could be way off, but I think it's one of those deals where the screw holes were a big hole with a slot. Loosen the screws, slide the glass back to where the screws are out of the slots, and lift up.


Been 7yrs though, I'd have to consult the service manual to be sure.

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well, my wife went to a wedding shower and took our son, so I finally had some time to do some work!


It turns out that there are 6 bolts / nuts holding the glass in. I found this out sort of by accident. What I had done was loosened the front nuts to the point where I could lift up on it a bit, because the glass just wouldn't budge, then used the motor to slid the glass halfway back, and pulled the cover forward. When it got to the lip on the glass, I was able to lift the glass enough to pull the cover past it. Then, I motor'd the glass the rest of the way back and the cover came right out. Installation was the reverse, but not as easy. While I was tightening the nuts again, I discovered the correct way to do it.


There are plastic things, I'll call them dust shields, that run the length of the little channel where the glass slides, on the inside portion of the glass frame (you gotta see it to understand, I think). The part of the dust shield that is attached to the glass portion is actually attached to the frame by 3 little stud thingies. If you grasp the shield near the rear and pull, it pops right off. That reveals the third stud on that side, the one I couldn't see. Also makes it a whole lot easier to get to the other 2 on that side. Loosen all three and the glass can be slid out without any problem.

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The one in my Bonneville isn't even in. The jackass somehow broke it and I can't figure out how to get it back in right. I dropped the headliner and all. It's still sitting in my garage.. I'll see if mine's like yours, Darkness.

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If you have any problems, and hopefully your sunroof is like mine, shoot me a pm or reply here and I'll try to take some pictures of what I am talking about. That would probably be a lot more clear than me trying to describe it.

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