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Problem: Weak Airflow


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I replaced my old blower motor with a brand new unit. I tested it out prior to installing it. It works very fast and very strong. However, after installing it I find that the amount of air coming out of the vents is still very weak. Both the temperature and direction controls are accurate so I know it can't be the HVAC console. I blew compressed air into the area where the blower motor mounts to in order to clear up any clogged passageways, but very little debris came out and the airflow is still very weak. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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You'll probably need to take the air conditioner unit out of the dash- forgot the key term- the A/C equivalent of a heater core. but this is the thing that clogs up over time. you remove that, you'll probably find a lot of debris accumulated over that, restricting airflow. I know a few w-body owners/friends that had to do this job. Sorry but you'll need to release all the freon too. HTH

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Before you go evacuating all your freon, I'd look and make sure the blower motor is running in the correct direction. Maybe cut the connector and reverse the wires to see if it blows good? I've seen it happen. Note, if the connector plugs right into the motor that probably isn't the case, but with fords there's like a 6 inch pigtail to mess with.

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don't know how but I changed the blower motor in my sisters cogar and it was very weak, so I made sure it was sealed and it was, I took the motor out to make sure the motor was turning the right way and it was, I tried to switch the wires and it still went the same way only faster and now it works great. never heard of a motor that goes faster when you change the polarity but this one did.

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Thanks for the info guys, I'm going to mess around with the wiring a bit then I'll give it a try! I guess messing around with the evapotor core will be my last resort.

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