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Ah feck it! Tint @ Ziebart @ $129.99 w/lifetime guarantee!

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Yes, I decided I am brave enough to attempt to tint my own windows. I figure, the most it's gonna cost is one roll. If I screw up one window, no big loss, I'll suck it up and go to a pro shop. If one window goes well, I'll do the rest.


SO, here's the $1,000,000 question... What's a quality tint film I can buy at a store? I gots me a Pep Boys, Advance Auto Parts and AutoZone, of the big ones. And, lots of little ones that will charge 2x as much. Thanks!

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I duno if you have a Tint King by you or not, but they sell tint by the roll, Id get it from them.


I wouldn't even try it, and i have done larger decals and such. I would just pay a pro to do it right, and you could prolly get a lifetime warranty with it. After so long of running your rear defogger it will melt the adhesive and peel. And the rear window is a serious PITA.


yeah I know Tint King has a warranty for as long as you own the car, but if you must do it yourself..............


Well... even if I do the sides myself and go to a tint shop for the rear, it'll still be cheaper than for everything...


Why are people so afraid of doing it? I don't see it... I mean, it's obvious from the get-go if it's done well or not, if you see that you can't get the air out or you have creases or so, just strip it before it's glued. Or if it is, get some paint thinner, or glue remover, or whatever, and just clean your window... That's the WORST case. It's a little different from trying to install a spoiler if your car never had one... one wrong move of the drill and you got a hole in the wrong place or a huge scratch or whatnot... that's scary. But, most you lose on a window is what, $10 and 20 minutes? Why not at least try and say you've attempted....


I think it might be because if you screw up, you usually have to spend more money/time to fix it, where as if the place screws up, they fix it for free, plus the warranty helps.......

I think it might be because if you screw up, you usually have to spend more money/time to fix it, where as if the place screws up, they fix it for free, plus the warranty helps.......


Really?? Fix what?? Take a razor blade and scrape your windshield? See, even if I spend 10 hours doing it, that's still gonna be about $17/hour that I'm getting paid, tax free, (if I were to spend $200 on tinting, $200-$30 for tint film = $170/10hrs = $17/hour) so that's more like $24/hr before taxes... And how much do I have to screw up to spend 10 hours doing it? :shock:


get some-one who has done it plenty fo times before. Its easy once you get it down, but firstimers never can make it work and look good.

get some-one who has done it plenty fo times before. Its easy once you get it down, but firstimers never can make it work and look good.


best advice ever


You would be surprised how easy it is to screw up tinting. Especially on the backglass, you can't scrape that. You can't even get vigorous with wiping it, or you can destroy the rear window defroster. I think retail on a new backglass is $600 or so for OEM. Aftermarket will be less, but it's still going to be in the hundreds. Sure, you could scrape the rest, but tint adhesive is real difficult to get off, and it takes a LONG time with lacquer thinner to get it off - it likes to just smear.


Anyhow, if you're still brave enough to try it, go to http://www.tintdude.com and READ READ READ before you start.


Also, there is NO SUCH THING as high quality tint for DIY'ers. It's either cheap, bubbling, purple-turning shit, or you'll have to source some professional quality tint from somewhere else. At one time, you could get rolls of Llumar or Solargard on Ebay (search for those brands). You will need a metallized tint or else it will turn purple, guaranteed.


I would find out if it's metallized first. If so, it should be fine.


after using tint to make headlight covers for my Cutty, I would never try to tint an entire car myself.


Woo hoo!!! Found a place with metallic tints and a lifetime guarantee, currently running a $129.99 special. Gonna get it done tomorrow :drool: :peace:



I was just testing your ability to click on a link and read ;) but it's oK, maybe I'm expecting too much... 30% is the max according to the law. It's not worth it to me to get stopped by cops :evil:



I was just testing your ability to click on a link and read ;) but it's oK, maybe I'm expecting too much...


I clicked the link and I most certainly can read....I have been constantly reading your uninformed pointless newbie rambling since you first joined up....


you can lose the attitude, it certainly isn't needed......I simply asked a question



I was just testing your ability to click on a link and read ;) but it's oK, maybe I'm expecting too much...


I clicked the link and I most certainly can read....I have been constantly reading your uninformed pointless newbie rambling since you first joined up....


you can lose the attitude, it certainly isn't needed......I simply asked a question


lol, no need to get defensive, that was a joke, certainly you can understand a joke, right? :dammit: I don't have an 'attitude'! And, yes, I have a lot of uninformed newbie posts and questions. None of them has been pointless *to me* since I learn from every single person that replies to them, for which I'm thankful to all. 8)


Now, with that out of the way... I didn't quite understand your "and????" post, since I don't think you can get 5% tint anywhere legally, so I just pointed out that the NYS laws prohibit anything below 30%, that's all... I thought that was kind of self explanatory, unless you were implying that I should not follow the law, so that's why I said that I'd rather not get stopped by cops...


Now chill ;)


just because the tint is darker than legal doesn't mean a tint shop won't do it, hell if you wanted I am sure they would tint the windshield to 5% for for you. The shop is not going to get in trouble when you get pulled over, just you,

Having said that, I know half a dozen people that have 5% on the rear 3 windows on a coupe and then rock the 20% or even the 30% on the front two windows that way they look semi legal to a cop when he rolls up, and around here the way the police check tint is to slip this little credit card looking thing over the edge of the window so the only windows they can check are the ones that roll down to give them an edge. I think Oregons legal tint is 35% and I have 13% in the rear and 25-26% in the front (I can never remmeber what the guy tinted them) and I have never had an issue and the police love to give me attention so tint is not really goign to get you screwed over by the cops

just because the tint is darker than legal doesn't mean a tint shop won't do it, hell if you wanted I am sure they would tint the windshield to 5% for for you. The shop is not going to get in trouble when you get pulled over, just you,

Having said that, I know half a dozen people that have 5% on the rear 3 windows on a coupe and then rock the 20% or even the 30% on the front two windows that way they look semi legal to a cop when he rolls up, and around here the way the police check tint is to slip this little credit card looking thing over the edge of the window so the only windows they can check are the ones that roll down to give them an edge. I think Oregons legal tint is 35% and I have 13% in the rear and 25-26% in the front (I can never remmeber what the guy tinted them) and I have never had an issue and the police love to give me attention so tint is not really goign to get you screwed over by the cops


Oh yeah, I realize the tint shop will go as dark as I want, they told me they have anywhere from "light" to "dark." Actually, my girlfriend was ticketed here (NY) because of her Florida tint. I'm not sure what it is there but if it happened to her on an old Escort while driving 35 in a 45 as usual :roll: ... I am sure I'm bound to get more attention, oh and I don't have a coupe, so my rear windows do roll down... Maybe I can slip below 30% to 20% without too much trouble... but tell me, is 10% a big difference in look? I've never done it before so I don't really know... thanks


Maybe I can slip below 30% to 20% without too much trouble... but tell me, is 10% a big difference in look


I think that 20% is much nicer looking then 30% tint.....30% tint is very light, some vehicles come from the factory with tint that is darker then 30%


ask to see the tint on actual vehicles so you can see what you are getting. Personally if you are only going to go with 30% tint it would be a waste the money.


GM factory tint is 18%, so yeah, 30% is too light looking.

I have 20% all the way around on the 94 Cutlass. My wife loves it that shade because night driving is almost unaffected, but I personally could stand a little darker still.


i have the back window at 20% and the two rear doors at 35%.. It looks pretty dark. I got a parking ticket once and on the comment line, the officer wrote "dark windows".


The rear window glass in the cutlass sedans are one of the hardest to tint (or so I was told by the tint shop).


I got the two rear doors and the rear window done for $275.


I think I got ripped off, but for $129 I doubt they will put the tint on in one piece on the rear window. I watched the guy spend a really long time to get it right, and I think it was worth it. I tried tinting the front doors myself and gave up because it was so damn hard.


It looks like shit when the tint is cut into strips on the back window.

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