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3800 series II swap into 93 cutty sedan 3.1

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hey, just wondering if anybody has ever swapped a 3800 series II engine into the 93 cutty. I'm sick of not having any horsepower with the 3.1. I was also wondering about like a ballpark of how much it would cost me to do this engine swap. I was also thinking about swapping in a manual, heck, might as well. So yeah, any information on the topic would be nice. oh, and is it possible to turbo the 3800?


that site you gave me is awesome, thank you so much...you are cool...officially


oh ya, you rock



you hear that guys, i am officially cool 8)


you hear that guys, i am officially cool


...according to the newb with 22posts :smilielol:


IMHO, the best thing to do would be to get yourself an engine harness and PCM from a 93 Regal with the Series I 3800 (L27.) The Series II (L36) should bolt right up to your 4T60-E trans, and will run just fine using the L27's wiring/PCM. Reason I say grab a harness from a 93 is because it should be plug-n-play (to be sure, ask the guys over at l67swap.com, as they have a list of the pinouts for certain years of W-Bodies...)


hey jeremy... shut up, i didn't see you post any helpful information

hey jeremy... shut up


man, the newbs have quite the attitudes lately......I highly suggest that you "check yours" at the door before you post again.


k, so first of all, i'm not a newb, i'm a "regular member", so bite me, and second of all, why do you have to be a jerk, i was being appreciative for some very useful information...i'm sorry that you aren't cool, but that isn't my problem no is it?


Well here comes a ban. Only people that should be banned in this post is me and jeremy for not being on topic. Sorry guys.

k, so first of all, i'm not a newb, i'm a "regular member", so bite me, and second of all, why do you have to be a jerk, i was being appreciative for some very useful information...i'm sorry that you aren't cool, but that isn't my problem no is it?


Hey, learn what a joke is, n00b. He wasn't trying to be a dick, he was pulling John's chain. We all do it around here. I suggest you purchase a sense of humor, or else you'll be spending some time in the courthouse.

k, so first of all, i'm not a newb, i'm a "regular member", so bite me


1st of all : 24posts = newb, n00b, newbie


second of all, why do you have to be a jerk,

2nd of all : I was not a jerk to anyone, anywhere in this thread. I actually let you get away with telling me to shut up and just warned you to check your attitude. Like sl3196 his reponse and mine were off topic but with a sufficient answer already given to your question it wasn't a big deal


but that isn't my problem no is it?


well, it certainly isn't my problem the next 3 days....is it?




I suggest you purchase a sense of humor, or else you'll be spending some time in the courthouse.


too late

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