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I didn't think this belonged in Member Mobiles since I'm not really showing off my car, just something quick I did to it.


I didn't repaint the whole bumper; just sanded down the bad spot and the lower valence but I sprayed a coat onto the spots where there were a lot of rock chips. I don't think the pictures make it look as good as it does. But, no matter what, it still looks tons better than what it did.


















EDIT: I still have to throw down at least one more coat. It started to chip off on the drive back to school yesterday (kind of expected it to... but I hoped it wouldn't).


Looks alot better. What kind of paint did you use? You should have sanded it and primed it. It stays on better.


I did sand it. I used 60, then 220, then wet sanded with 400.


I didn't use primer though because I didn't feel it was necessary.


I used spray paint meant specifically for plastic that said no primer was needed so I didn't worry about it.


There is a coating they make that you should put down on the plastic before any type of primer or paint. It makes the paint stick to plastic.

There is a coating they make that you should put down on the plastic before any type of primer or paint. It makes the paint stick to plastic.


Actually it's a flex agent thats put into the paint. Usually put into cheap ass integrated clear coat paints.


there is a new kind of primer out there that almost foams after it sprayed. it would be perfict for this kinda work. i had a gash about 1/4 inch deep in the side skirt on my Z and it worked perfict to fill and smooth it. and since it was primer, i just painted right over it when i was done. they have it in red and grey. i would still use one or two coats of sandable primer after that stuff and a few layers of paint and clear, but its the best way i know of yet


there is a new kind of primer out there that almost foams after it sprayed. it would be perfict for this kinda work. i had a gash about 1/4 inch deep in the side skirt on my Z and it worked perfict to fill and smooth it. and since it was primer, i just painted right over it when i was done. they have it in red and grey. i would still use one or two coats of sandable primer after that stuff and a few layers of paint and clear, but its the best way i know of yet


any details? lik,e a name and place to buy it?


there is a new kind of primer out there that almost foams after it sprayed. it would be perfict for this kinda work. i had a gash about 1/4 inch deep in the side skirt on my Z and it worked perfict to fill and smooth it. and since it was primer, i just painted right over it when i was done. they have it in red and grey. i would still use one or two coats of sandable primer after that stuff and a few layers of paint and clear, but its the best way i know of yet


any details? lik,e a name and place to buy it?


Yeah, I would also like to know. That would be ideal for my repairs.

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