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ok ive wired up like twelve of these bastards in the past few months.

never has one given me a problem. until now



i just grabbed two from the junkyard,wired them up and went to test them in my 91 z34. Well needless to say they both worked. so i said ill just leave them in the car and went inside to eat. well i left one plugged in. The next day my battery is 100% dead. keep in mind this battery is about a month old and has never given me any sort of problems. i charge my battery up. remove the ub3 and go inside, come back out 6 hours later and the battery is as good as new. i plug the second ub3 in and an half an hour later the battery is dead again.


what in the hell? these two ub3's are both totally draining my battery in about half an hour.


ive never had problems with the ub3's,infact its only these two that are causing this. and they are wired exactly 1000% the same as the rest ive wired in the past (that had no trouble)


did i get a couple bad clusters??

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wow, that is weird for sure. Hey, it sounds like you have a ton of UB3s laying around. You wouldn't want to part with any of them, would you? :) :leaving:

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wow, that is weird for sure. Hey, it sounds like you have a ton of UB3s laying around. You wouldn't want to part with any of them, would you? :) :leaving:



i sell them once i convert them to work with the z34's and whatnot


want one of these that seem to drain power? 30 bucks

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