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Uggghhh, need help...

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Ok guys, my 96 Grand prix is pissing me off again. It started missing real bad and has NO power... I checked coil packs, ICM , and changed plugs and wires.. I'm getting a p0300 code (multiple cylinder misfire).. I instantly assumed coil packs, but they are all good....


Any suggestions? (Oh yea, its a 3100)


I checked that, along with fuel pressure, 40-42psi.... Im getting an egr pintle position error code and multiple cylinder misfire... I cleaned my first egr, still nothing, and put a known good egr valve on there, same problem... The car runs awful, and pings, and has a hard time doing 50 mph....


How long's it been doing it? And what octane gas is in there?


How do the plugs look?


I know.. basic stuff.. just throwing ideas out..


knock sensor?


I doubt the knock sensor would be the problem. In fact, the knock sensor is probably what's helping the engine not grenade, when the car misfires, I believe it retards timing 13*.


Plugged cat? Maybe loosen your exhaust downpipe from the rear manifold and run it, see if it comes out of it.


What did the plugs look like when you changed them?


Car shake at low idle...


Injectors could be bad, or maybe they're just plugged up :shrug: ...


Ignition Control Module... My Lumina does that sometimes too... Mostly when I'm in town, it's hot, and I have the AC on... 4-cylinders for awhile then runs OK when I get back up to speed... ALthough, the ICM I replaced right before I got the car just ran on 4-cylinders all the time... Replacing the ICM fixed it...




Turned out to be a plugged cat... I drilled a hole before the cat, and was pissed, still no change, then i revved it up and out blew a huge chunk of carbon.... Car ran like a dream ( a loud, smelly dream lol).. So i had the Cat replaced, runs fine now....

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