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pathetic post in here...tape player broken!

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:oops: this is pathetic, but my factory tape player in my '93 Lumina appears to be broken. when a tape is put in, the amber arrow light comes on, but the tape doesn't spin, and can be rewinded or fast-forwarded. this is bad, since i have a tape adapter to run my CD player and MiniDisc player's signal through it. well, anyways, does this sound like it could be fixed easily? if it can't, i want to put in a factory CD player from the '93 Lumina. where would be the best place to find one of those? thanks!




and I'm sure your have no problem finding a used TAPE deck! :lol:


yeah, i know, the fact that the tape player's been in there this long is pathetic. Probably broke so i would get it outta there. BTW, are the factory CD players any good, as far as reliability goes?


Well im guessing no on that one. oh well, i still think it'd be neat to have one.

  \ said:
Well im guessing no on that one. oh well, i still think it'd be neat to have one.


You're right, it would be neat to have one, but good luck finding one that works. Your best bet is to go buy another factory tape deck or buy an aftermarket one. (aftermarket would probably be a better idea)




maybe it's time for me to finally get a nice aftermarket CD player installed. idk....


I have a factory player in my Lumina - DO NOT GET ONE!!!


They are very unreliable pieces of shit.


I put over $200 into this cd player - it doesn't play cds when it is cold (and in winter it never works)...and so make it play a cd, you have to hit the top of the dash about the stereo everytime to get it working.

So after $200, and it is still semi broken, I would say stay away from them unless you are really looking for the stock look like I was.


i agree with jeff 100%, and yes i am anal as well and will probably shell out a prety penny to get my deck working again.


i have both a newer cd player with detachable face, and remote control, and a stock delco 1992 tape player, the funny thing about the tape player is that it has been used maybe 5 times in total. Let me know either way. later Jay


definitly go new(aftermarket) cd player, the quality is so much better(although stock aint horrible) having a real car cd player rocks!!!


i know what u mean, my Tape player jammed a tape in, so it wouldnt eject, and it was a retarded tape, so i ripped it out, and out came the guts of the tape player, but hay, the radio worked....right, the fucker still thought a tape was in there, took me 2 weeks to figure out i needed to pull this bar farward to get it to recognize it, but uh oh, the antenna wireings fucked up, and it goes in and out all the time, damn those crappy gm Tape decks :x

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