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In the picture to the left of the green arrow....in other words to the left of the ECM fuse/aux.pos.terminal, and near the washer fluid tank....also close to the brake booster.


I'm trying to familarize myself with everything under the hood of my Lumina, and am trying to figure out what this is, and what is it's purpose/function.






I think what you're refering to is the Cruise Control module/diaphragm. On the earlier W's, the cruise is vacuum operated and the module has a huge vacuum diaphragm attached to it (and the throttle cable,) and on the newer W's (like my 95 Regal) it's electronically controlled (no diaphragm at all...)


No, the thing with the silver aluminium circular thing lol...sorry, bad description


Thanks guys...sorry, I was replying to Slicks post, and Disco must have beat me to it, thanks again :D

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