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Probably a stupid question...


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This is probably going to sound like a stupid question but I'll try... I have a 1990 4 door cutlass supreme. The rear windows are the child safety ones that only go half way down. It annoys me that they don't open all the way and I highly doubt I'll ever have a child in the rear seat. Is there a way to get them to go all the way down? Please don't flame me...

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Child safety is what unscrupulous dealers say to try to make a design issue look like a "feature". Yeah, it's completely due to the shape of the doors. It's caused by the cutout for the wheel well. Some cars the windows can go all the way down because they have a bar splitting the glass. In other cars, all the bar does is allow the window to go down further than if it weren't there, but it still won't go all the way down. If they could have figured out a way to make the windows go all the way down, they would have.

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yup! Child safety is just a made up term. If your kid isn't restrained and can hop out a window of a moving vehicle, it just wasn't meant to be. The parent should just hop out the window too. :shock:

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You can't hang a really good moon out of em.

You know... the kind of moon that shows the slight turkey neck all because some dumass who's kid climbed out a back window while on the highway. =P

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yup! Child safety is just a made up term. If your kid isn't restrained and can hop out a window of a moving vehicle, it just wasn't meant to be. The parent should just hop out the window too. :shock:


Haha, just like George Carlin talking about safety and parents over protective of kids - "The kid that swallows to many marbles doesn't have any kids of their own" lo

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