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iv read alot fo good things, its not really an oil additive, it fills in the scratches on the side of the cylinder walls, and increases compression thats been lost, its suposivly proven to work, and at 7$ a can, can really go wrong with that, isaw it in a magazine article, they had PSI graphs for compression, they went up quite a bit


I dropped a can of Restore 4 cyl formula at every oil change in the wife's old 93 Cavalier after it hit 120k, and it ran up to 223k with no problems. Can't say for sure if it helped any, but it sure as hell didn't hurt anything. When I sold the car at 223k, the motor was as tight as it was when I bought it 6 years earlier with only 59k (I also religiously changed the oil every 3-4k with Castrol GTX, so that's probably the main reason why it was in such good shape...)


I used it religiously on my old cavalier and noticed a difference from the first time, and I have used it every oil change on the cutty so far. It's the only "additive" I'll use.


As long as it doesn't plug anything up....however the only addictive I've used is some shit to free up the lifters...didn't do a damn thing so that was the last time I've ever tried an addictivel ol

noticed a difference from the first time


What did you notice, less smoke, less engine noise, less oil consumption? My vette smokes a little right when you start it and I was half-tempted to try a can of restore, but decided against it.


as far as i'm concerned it is a additive. when i first got the camaro, it smoked BAD at startup. i tried some licas oil additive, cured the smokeing for about 2 weeks, then came back. i noticed it didnt gothrough oil near as bad as it was. next oil change i may try another addative and see where it gets me


I used it in my girls sunfire when i changed the oil cause i notice an abundance of metal shavings on the plug. I haven't changed it again since to see if it helped, but i dont see why it would hurt anything.


my sister's old '93 Cutlass had lifter noise when it was cold (not 3100 lifter noise, this was a little louder) used a can of 4 cyl size restore ONE time, and it eliminated the noise altogether.


after 50-100 miles or so it got better gas milage and just ran smoother and sounded better (not like 100 times so, but enough to notice.)


ive been trying to resarach this, so far all ive seen are places where it is for sale, some message boards where the people saying its great have 10 posts or are even posting as guests.


Ive even heard things contratay to thier advertising in which it is a cleaner or an oil thickiner.


Im not sure, I think Ill just say no to addtives as I always have though it is sooo tempting to try.


I'd never use it on something I intend to keep, for the fact that whatever the problem is will just get worse over time. But to put it in a car that's for sale? SURE!!!! :D


I tried it in my old F150, didnt notice a difference at all.


I have used it in 9 different cars over the years. Every single one had more equal compression across the cylinders after 200-350 miles. It does not HURT anything or plug anything up. It works in the extreme temps of the cylinders to clean up old marks on the walls. Obviously if you have broken rings and you have scored the walls it will not clean those up...but minor marks will clean up and help the rings seal better... 8)


If your engine doesn't burn/leak any oil would you likely notice any difference?


overpriced gimmic, its all in your head if u think it helped anything. i was a dipshit and tried it in my GP. The can guarantees you will feel a difference in power if you have lots of miles. Just to test it, i ran at the track, car got no faster, no less noise, no anything, just wasted some money.

if a product sounds too good to be true, it probably is

overpriced gimmic, its all in your head if u think it helped anything. i was a dipshit and tried it in my GP. The can guarantees you will feel a difference in power if you have lots of miles. Just to test it, i ran at the track, car got no faster, no less noise, no anything, just wasted some money.

if a product sounds too good to be true, it probably is


Ok, if you think it's a gimmic, fine, chances it's equally possible that it's all in your head that it's doing absolutley nothing. But really, overpriced? since when is 7 bucks pricey?


$7 to do absolutely nothing. next time you want a bottle of that stuff, give me $7 and ill take a piss in your oil. trust me, my piss will make your car stop smoking, run cooler, raise compression, improve torque and horsepower, make the tranny shift better and everything......

honestly ask any certified tech, almost all will tell you not to use any additives.

as i said they GUARANTEE that you will feel a difference in horespower, has anyone really felt a difference? i tested it, theres no difference.

Can you really believe that an oil based substance will fix scratches in your cylinder walls? And if it did fix scratches in your cylinder walls, wouldnt it plug up everything else like the oil pump?

It can help smoking and noises by thickening the oil to the point where its less likely to leak past the rings. so if you have oil burning, use thicker oil, thats all the additive does....

If Restore worked the miracle it claims, wouldnt you think oil companies would start using it pre mixed in their oil, or other additive companies to use a similar product?


Just a little common sense to chew on


I put it in both my cutlass and cavi. Both engines were quiter after. (lowered the valvetrain noise) Wouldn't put it in my GTP though since it runs great and is easy on oil.


Ran a bottle in the blazer (no oil change) and it got rid of my puff of blue smoke in the morning from my blazer, also raised the cylinder compression in the #2 cylinder from 110psi to 125psi iirc, shit works, period.

Ran a bottle in the blazer (no oil change) and it got rid of my puff of blue smoke in the morning from my blazer, also raised the cylinder compression in the #2 cylinder from 110psi to 125psi iirc, shit works, period.




"Engine Restorer is added to the motor oil but it is not an oil additive. An oil additive, by definition, is a product which is added to automotive oil in the crankcase with the intended purpose of modifying the oil characteristics such as viscosity, detergency, or foaming. Engine Restorer is not an oil additive in this sense. It is rather an engine additive because it acts on the engine itself playing a double role. The CSL particles fill scratches, grooves and other worn out areas between the piston and the cylinder wall in the engine."


At least read the article before you be an ass trying to insult me just to prove yourself, JMo60. As for asking a certified auto tech, did you ever think about who might have written that article??



"give me $7 and ill take a piss in your oil. trust me, my piss will make your car stop smoking, run cooler, raise compression, improve torque and horsepower, make the tranny shift better and everything...... "-JMo60

Maybe you or a moderator, or even perhaps an Admin could tell me why that was necessary.


the article to which you are all reffering is on the restoreusa website and is part of thier marketing material.


I honestly looked and I could not find a single independant chemcial analysis or through review from anyone that wasnt also trying to sell the stuff.


All the improvments you guys claim to see would also come from an Oil thicking agent as much as it would from some non-existant nano-technology.


Remeber folks just becase its on the interweb doesnt make it true.

Remeber folks just becase its on the interweb doesnt make it true.



so true that is

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