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How Hard to change tranny in 95' Cutlass?

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Well i cant decide if i want a get a new tranny or dump my car. I just did the head gaskets so i know the engine is stout. How difficult is it to change the tranny on these cars? 3.1L- 4t60e


anybody? no1 has changed a 4t60e tranny out before? im guessing 8hrs.


I would say a tranny replacement could be done in a Saturday afternoon..it is no more difficult then any other tranny replacement, just make sure you have the right tools to do the job


shit, lucky you I did one in my 91grand prix and it took me 5 days, 6 hours a day "going to school" to do it depends really on your skills and abilities, I learned the hardway and I'm not gonna do it again, however might I add being my first time I learned a few things along the way its easier to drop the whole subframe down to get it out just watch out when putting it back in you get the tranny lined up right (Mine was a pain since the torque converter kept fallin out) all I can say is some people can do it, some people cant if I was to do it again I would give it about 2 days now that I know what I'm doing

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