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thicker oil??

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is there any negative effects of running thicker oil besides slightly worse gas mileage???


i think the o-ring might slightly be leaking


so what are the benifits of runing thicker oil and what are the negative effects???


thicker oil gives higher oil pressure, but more start-up wear


an oil leak will continue to leak no matter what kind or grade of oil you run


an oil leak will continue to leak no matter what kind or grade of oil you run


Correct. Although higher oil may seem to help the problem, it won't solve it, and eventually will start to leak again.


right...i dont plan it as a permanet fix but if i helps slightly ill do it.....


do you think that 15w50 woukd be way to thick er what would be practical to run


Too thick in my opinion. The car was designed for a 5w30. The highest I would run is 10w40.


I ran 20w50 in my 3.1 for a week because the o-ring let go, and I didnt feel like changing it. When you start the car, let it warm up for ~3 minutes (till the temp gauge starts moving) to limit any engine wear.


Who said there was any? The only problems they have is the same shitty O-ring that the other 60* V6's got.


ohh...i thought there was something wrong with it as far at oil pressure...idk

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