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Any one know

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of a good place to find fuses, cheap. I am running 2 80A (one at the battery, one in the trunk) and I have now blown 2. I think I need to put a bigger one there, as my amp is rated at 120A, but all i can find at the stores are 80s. Any help would be appreciated.


Damn what do you have in there?? I'm only running a 40A fuse in mine and it doesn't blow. (around 1000 watts) You sure your connections are good?


:withstupid: you really need to check for a short. there's no way you should be blowing 1 80 amp fuse with a 120 watt amp, let alone two. if you keep putting more fuses in, and you have a short somewhere, you're going to cause a fire.


if you are running the two 80a fuses in series to power one amp, which i'm assuming you are, then that's 160 amps you're blowing with a low power amplifier. if it's not a short, then you could be just be overheating your amp. however, your amp should shut off before it gets to that point. i would say this is highly unlikely.


check for a short or if your power wire is grounding out somewhere.


also, you shouldn't need two fuses. if your first fuse is within 18" of the battery, one fuse is fine.


I never said the it was a 120 watt amp. It is a 1600 watt amp, nothing is shorted, gotta double check the ground, and it is possible that it is overheating, but the amp does have thermal protection. I put the extra fuse in because of my distribution block. The funny thing is, it is not visibly blowing the fuse. If you were to look at the fuse, it doesn't appear to be blown.


This is killing me cause I am without my public disturbance. One more thing, When it does cut out, the status light on the amp is still on, but it is really dim, and it has to be something in the power wire. I figured that the light stayed dim cause of the cap, but any other ideas would be helpful.


Thanks guys


if you have a napa around they sell fuses that your looking for.


i have a couple left, but if things keep goin like this I will be out soon



It's not that I cant find the 80A fuses, I just cant find anything larger and Best buy. And they are kinda expensive, so I was just asking if anyone knew of anyplace that was cheaper.


How much they run at NAPA?


To be honest with ya, I really dont know but Ill find out tonight when I go to work.


get a 100amp circuit breaker from bestbuy. that way, if it blows, just reset it.


Back in the day, I kept blowing a fuse again and again. Turned out, when I replaced a trim panel, a trim screw actually nicked the power wire and was grounding it out. Make sure that you don't have a short.


I am running an 80 amp fuse now and pulling close to 900watts RMS if I rev the engine high enough. is that 1600 watt amp RMS or peak?


That is peak, and sony under-rates all of thier amps. I am not sure right off hand what the RMS is. I will have to go through and check all the parts of my power cable, and replace the aux battery post under the hood, cause i believe that it is causing some problems.


Yeah I am running my stuff off the aux battery post too. I think I am gonna do the big three soon because the wire looks small as heck.


If you're running anything bigger than 8 ga wire for your amp's power, hook it up directly to the battery and not to the AUX post, cause the wire going from the battery to the AUX post is only 8 ga itself...

If you're running anything bigger than 8 ga wire for your amp's power, hook it up directly to the battery and not to the AUX post, cause the wire going from the battery to the AUX post is only 8 ga itself...



That makes sense. Maybe I'll do that until i can upgrade all the wires under the hood, cause i am running 4AWG from the aux post.

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