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I need some advice


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hey guyd and gals whats going on here well i have been. doing some thinking and i wanted to check into this i have a n/a 3.1 that i like a lot and i was wondering what parts from the LG5 will bolt to my 3.1 because i was wondering or thinkgin about installin a warblo fuel pump and lg55 injectors and fuel pressure regulator and i have a friend that has a 240 with a sr 20 swap and he wanted me to ask you guys how much boost does the 5 run stock and is it hard to find a full car or just what i need to do the whole swap.. can some one please help me out thanks

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no but seriously, good luck finding a TGP. They're hard to come accross...you'd be better of just making your own turbo setup for it

not true, you just need to spend a few hours on the web looking. After i am done with my TGP set up, i'll let ya know where one is about 10 min from me in a jy, complete car

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no but seriously, good luck finding a TGP. They're hard to come accross...you'd be better of just making your own turbo setup for it

not true, you just need to spend a few hours on the web looking. After i am done with my TGP set up, i'll let ya know where one is about 10 min from me in a jy, complete car


Ok but you're 1 in HOW many people? They're hard to come accross :wink:

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i'm not trying to be a dick, but if u have the cash and want the parts you can find em relatively easy, as i did. The guys who have tgps usually hoard the parts, trust me. It's not hard finding em, it's hard prying them out of the hands of the people who have them!

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no but seriously, good luck finding a TGP. They're hard to come accross...you'd be better of just making your own turbo setup for it

not true, you just need to spend a few hours on the web looking. After i am done with my TGP set up, i'll let ya know where one is about 10 min from me in a jy, complete car


Ok but you're 1 in HOW many people? They're hard to come accross :wink:


Thats funny, there is one on ebay usually 2 or 3 times a month. I see them in autotrader all the time. People are selling them right and left on the TGP boards. Are they usually in good shape, no, but being as old as they are you can't expect them to be. Honestly, they aren't THAT rare, and if you want one, withing a few days time they can be had pretty easily. Hell, last month, there were two of them at different dealers in my area only a few miles apart... When I was looking for my STE I started looking on Friday evening for cars, not even TGP's specifically, and within an hours time I already had two TSTE's lined up to look at on Saturday, and by noon on Saturday I owned one, it took me less than 20 hrs...I don't see whats so difficult about it.


Example A: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6422&item=4554706137&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW


That is actually perfect for what he is looking for as it is supposedly not a driver, so it has the engine components which is just what he needs.


Example B: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=174352378&dealer_id=55605336&car_year=1990&make=PONT&distance=0&lang=en&max_price=&model=GP&end_year=1990&min_price=&certified=&address=48842&search_type=both&advanced=&start_year=1989&isp=y&cardist=332


Example C: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=170518343&dealer_id=55211269&car_year=1990&make=PONT&distance=0&lang=en&max_price=&model=GP&end_year=1990&min_price=&certified=&address=48842&search_type=both&advanced=&start_year=1989&isp=y&cardist=188


Example D: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=160139997&dealer_id=53815608&car_year=1989&make=PONT&distance=0&lang=en&max_price=&model=GP&end_year=1990&min_price=&certified=&address=48842&search_type=both&advanced=&start_year=1989&isp=y&cardist=224


Example E: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=182406048&dealer_id=56312916&car_year=1990&make=PONT&distance=0&lang=en&max_price=&model=GP&end_year=1990&min_price=&certified=&address=48842&search_type=both&advanced=&start_year=1989&isp=y&cardist=1619


Example F: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=182966461&dealer_id=51681561&car_year=1990&make=PONT&distance=0&lang=en&max_price=&model=GP&end_year=1990&min_price=&first_record=51&pager.offset=50&certified=&address=48842&search_type=both&advanced=&start_year=1989&isp=y&cardist=309



Is that enough or should I keep going??? That was maybe 5 minutes of looking. Just to clarify in case you actually don't believe me and you click on all those links, that last one does not have a pic or specify that it is a turbo, but read the vin and you will find that the 8th digit is a V, meaning its a turbo.




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Nice finds, so there are a few and autotrader has always delivered on that, ebay too but not as many. That first TSTE is just too damn sweet, pricey but with those low a miles :drool: And you are right, that one that does not show the STE as a turbo is one for a cheap price, might be able to steal that one from the owner without them knowing. I have not looked on autotrader for a long time as its just torture seeing so many good deals/fix-em ups, and low mileage beuties!! :shock:


So I say to our new guy, get one of the great looking 2 door TGPs and you are all set 8) , if not then read the sticky sitting right on top of this forum :roll: , I think it has a few details on the differences for someone looking to swap!!!


Jeff M

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It is one thing to put a 5-speed into a TGP/TSTE...but lately it seems too many

nice/repairable condition TGP/TSTE's are falling under

the torch to power JUNK!! :bash: It is a shame...but I guess

that is the way it goes. I do not have enough property to

house or money to buy up all the "descent" condition TGP/TSTE's!! :cry:


Oh well I know I will get flamed for this one...BUT I DON'T CARE!


TGP/TSTE's are beautiful and should be fixed if they can!!! 8)

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You are not going to get flamed :lol: 8) I think we should start; The Preservation for McLaren Grand Prixs :shock: 8) it would have to be run as a not-for-profit organization, kind of like my work :cry: :lol: I think the sooner the word gets out just how cool these cars are, and how fast they can be, more preferred owners will pick these up and to the right thing to them, and after a few years of ownership, will realize it was a good idea!! So you got my vote Kenny!!!!


Jeff M

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Guest TurboSedan

i tried to save the white Turbo STE i got my engine from in the local salvage yard, but they wouldn't sell me the whole car :? then it got crushed. i'm still sore about that.

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If it is already in a junk yard (idiot previous owner! :wink: ) then it is fair game. Most Yards will not sell a complete car due to unknown liabilities and the fact they will normally make 5x the value with sold parts then complete.


But to specifically buy a TGP/TSTE that is road worthy...and just yank the drive-train and scrap the rest for some shitbox car that isn't worth the carcus of a cat splatted by a TGP or TSTE at 140MPH ...JUST PISSES ME OFF!! :roll: :lol: 8)

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You are not going to get flamed :lol: 8) I think we should start; The Preservation for McLaren Grand Prixs :shock: 8) it would have to be run as a not-for-profit organization, kind of like my work :cry: :lol:


So you got my vote Kenny!!!!


Jeff M


Check out the new signature!! :lol: :lol: You should change or ad this to your signature! Of course ad something about Treasurer with a donations tab!!! :lol:

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that TSTE in ohio will be sold for $1000. then u can have a complete drivetrain for

$1000 and sell the rest as parts and make some of your money back. (sorry tgpilot)

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You are not going to get flamed :lol: 8) I think we should start; The Preservation for McLaren Grand Prixs :shock: 8) it would have to be run as a not-for-profit organization, kind of like my work :cry: :lol:


So you got my vote Kenny!!!!


Jeff M


Check out the new signature!! :lol: :lol: You should change or ad this to your signature! Of course ad something about Treasurer with a donations tab!!! :lol:


Hey that’s a great idea, I do like it :D Even though I came up with the name I would still feel a little overboard/presumptuous to state "President" of this organization, I will try Founder, sounds a little less show-off, and love that donation tab :lol: :D


Jeff M

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I keep telling some people that they don't need anything form a TGP. Just buy some sensors, and some electronics and make your pipes. OH well.


The Red J/Y TGP I got my system from was wrecked, I'm sure the engine was rusted inside the bores since coolant was cristalized on the outside head gasket from driven with a bad gasket. I can assure you my GTU is no shoe box with its history/desighn purpose.


But won't taking the numbers down make the value of our TGPs higher.



Every month a TGP kicks the bucket. :roll:

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