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Early this year had a problem leaking coolant.

Cilinderheads were remacined and all gaskets replaced.


Good news: eversince it has not lost a singel drop of coolant.


Bad news: it then started leaking oil.


About a week ago the engine was cleaned an treated with som kind of trace powder to determine wehre it comes from.

When it was cheked today all powder was gone and the hole bottom of the engine is coverd in oil again.


What should i check you think


what engine?? I'm 99.9% sure that it would be leaking from the Oil pump drive shaft o-ring. It's a common occurance on these cars.


Yes ... regal is right.


It's a common thing. Do a search for oil pump seal.


If your sporting a 3.4L DoHC then god help you.

what engine?? I'm 99.9% sure that it would be leaking from the Oil pump drive shaft o-ring. It's a common occurance on these cars.


Its a 3.1 V6 (vin T) Engine.

You guys dont seem to like the 3.4 engines verry much.


The oil pump drive shaft you mean the one which is at the end of the camshaft going into the oil pump i asume?

So i would asume i have to look under the intke manifold at the back side of the engine.


My mechanic sugested adding something to the oil which could fix leaking seals in your opinion would this fix the problem or is replacing the seal the better option.


I'm betting its a pan gasket......but diagnosing cars via the internet is hard to do.


Additives are junk. Do NOT use them. FIX the leak.

Additives are junk. Do NOT use them. FIX the leak.


Thats also my opinion.

It was sugested because finding the leak didn't suceed verry well.

Adding somthing to the oil does not sound wrong to me by the way.

Several oil manufacturers add things to the oil they sell.


Sticking to this line of reasoning i would asume that if some additive to protect seals and gaskets is required it should be in the oil if you buy a bottle of it.

I'm 99.9% sure that it would be leaking from the Oil pump drive shaft o-ring.


I'm betting its a pan gasket......


This afternoon had a better look at the engine.

I must admit the whole oil pan is realy soaked in oil but so are most of the the things located at the underside of the car.

Pan gaskets seem OK to me but don't have a workshop so looking under the car is somewhat difficult.


From above looking down at the engine i think i found the oil pump drive shaft.

Its located next to the intakemanifold behind the thermostat partialy covered by the plenum right :confused: .

I also noticed a pudle of oil next to it laying on the engine.

If your sporting a 3.4L DoHC then god help you.




Seriously - If it's just the O-ring it's not that bad...(on NON-DOHC engine :P)


Does the shop you took it too (maybe you did it yourself) offer a warranty?


Because that O-ring should of been replace then.....which I'm sure it was replaced, but perhaps it was a cheap ass o-ring.

...Because that O-ring should of been replace then.....which I'm sure it was replaced, but perhaps it was a cheap ass o-ring.


At my shop we do every gasket that we can get at since we are already in there - but many shops can/have overlooked that seal before...

...Because that O-ring should of been replace then.....which I'm sure it was replaced, but perhaps it was a cheap ass o-ring.


At my shop we do every gasket that we can get at since we are already in there - but many shops can/have overlooked that seal before...


It may have well been overlooked at the time the gaskets were done.

The shop that did the job is an independent one participating in a national association.

All of them offer a 6 month waranty on all repairs.


In fact one of the problems may be that it's not a verry common car over here in fact its not at all.

This means knowledge is limited.

For example they ordered a set of gaskets beleiving that should be everything they needed when they went on rebuilding the engine turned out the intake gasket was missing and had to be ordered seperatly.


By the way if its the O-ring the engine does not have to be taken apart again i asume.


Nope - really easy to do.


Hey - yea, you're right - didn't notice where you where from! Nice to see we have international support for the w-bodies! (Plan on comming to a meet here in the US area any time soon ;))


If they have the 6-month waranty i'd go back and raise all hell...

Plan on comming to a meet here in the US area any time soon ;)


My Grand Prix won't fly that far :joke:


If they have the 6-month waranty i'd go back and raise all hell...


Maybe im missing somthing here but the O-ring wasn't repaired so i think this is not related to the gasket replacement.

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