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UPDATE!!! Battery dies too often....ALTERNATOR DIES!

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I have been having a reoccuring problem with my battery dying. It will COMPLETELY DIE WITH NOTHING LEFT after sitting for 5 minutes. When I go to jump start it, it always takes a long time to get any charge. I don't leave anything on, everything is turned off, I don't know what the deal is. It's a brand-new battery, only about 3 months old. When I bought the new battery, I had the alternator tested, and it tested okay. Could it be a problem with the auxillary terminal, starter, or what? It's really starting to piss me off.


I'd recheck the alternator, even though it checked out okay. You can check the Aux. terminal, look for corrosion. If there is, clean it up. Check the cables(+ and -) for any frays, cuts, etc., pretty much anything that may cause a power drain. Check the cables running from the alt. to the starter, then the starter to the battery. Make sure the connections are good.


Get your battery checked. Even if it's brand new. Maybe there's a tripped circuit/bad wiring/gypsy curse that's allowing power to be drawn even with the key off.


I checked the battery and there's a crack across the corner, probably from when I wrestled it into place. Could this be anything?


If the electrolyte is spilling out of the crack, then yes, that might be the problem/a problem..


Check if the light in the glovebox goes out when you shut it. Friend's gon through TOO many batteries that way. :lol:


Well, I'm pretty sure my alternator died, but just to be sure it's not something serious...


This has never happened to me before so I didn't know what to do when it did happen. My turn signals all of a sudden started flashing really slow (even with an electronic flasher), then, they quit working altogether. When I went to accelerate from a red light, I had to give it way too much gas to get going; it was at over 3000rpm just getting going 25mph. Then it wouldn't shift into the next gear. I was trying to get home as quick as possible. I was less than a mile from home when everything died; I lost power steering, brakes, and the engine quit. I pulled over and tried to restart it, and it did the dead battery "clicking" noise.


This all sounds like a classic dead alternator, especially after all the trouble I've been having lately. It's no big deal, a new alternator is only $60. The thing that really worries me is the transmission not shifting right.


sounds like a bad alternator, but I don't know why that would affect the tranny?!?!


electronically controlled??



could the pcm been on the fritz with the power fluctuations and such? sending weird signals to the tranny?


Definatly the alt., I would warranty out the battery since it's cracked.


I dunno. The transmission definately worries me. I hope it's okay. It shifts right as far as P R N D 123 goes.


anything controlled by the ECM will go wacky when its not getting enough voltage...your trans is probably fine.


Just change you Alt, The trans was getting bad signal from the PCM. Simple as that.


Yep, you were right. I changed the alt. and everything runs fine. THANK GOD!

anything controlled by the ECM will go wacky when its not getting enough voltage...your trans is probably fine.
BTW, your car looks great! The wheels really make the difference!

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