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Misfiring problems after ...

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I just got done changing the plugs today due to #2 being out (why I don't know ...) but I changed the plugs and wires today about 15 minutes after completion and going for a test drive the "camming" feeling started again. So, I drove it to the nearest Advanced Auto and had them run a test being that my lappy was dead (fucking thing) ... anyway ...


If a coil is shot ... could after time it destroy another plug? Specifically the same one?!


Also, what else can you guys infer upon this matter.


This is driving me nuts.


i dont know if it'll ruin it. but my #2 was black in sooit, but the diode thing was fine. replace all 3 coil packs and icm. if you do 1, might as well do both parts. advanced auto has coils for cheap, like $20 a pop.


I changed the plugs, and wires ...


The car has no heat. I was following my girl (its a problem wit her car not mine) and saw some shit leaking out of the rear end ... after changing the plugs and wires and 15 minutes into the ride ... the same cyl went out. Leading me to believe that it is a head gasket.


But ... I'm having someone check it out later this afternoon ...

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