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Dead mouse in my Air system


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I posted a week ago or so about a dead mouse being in my air system. Well I need any bit of help I can get.


I've searched almost everywhere. The smell is like someone barfed in my car.

And the smell gets worst as the Fan is on.


I removed my Fan right under the glove box. And nothing. I've looked from up top at the wipers down and saw nothing. I got to the heater core from behind the dash and I see nothing.


My next step is to suck out my AC and try to get to the evaporator???


Please anyone with experience and knowledge of this damn car please offer any type of help. As it sits now, my car is totalled because of the smell.

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When to open up the air system - however you choose to do it, shove a narrower shop vaccumm hose up the line(s)...my friend just did the same thing iwth his 76 Plymouth Royal Monaco that had about 7 dead mice in the air system.

Also, after the vaccumm, spray a shit load of Lysol and Febreeze or something down there....hopefully you will be able to suck the dead mouse out...however, there will always be shit stuck in the system like decaying mouse parts...be careful with that shit


- Jeff L.

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Try a product called ODER X it's from turtle wax and we sell it at napa. It's designed to kill oders in the A/C system. I've heard it works really well.

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i bought that oder stuff from napa 2 weeks ago. man my car smelled good after using it. but when the smell came back the next day, i knew something was dead in there.

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Sounds like you have a major task ahead of you. If you can't get to it through the "easily accessible" openings, you're going to have to remove your dash and take out the whole airbox (which'll involve removing the heater and evaporator cores as well :x .) Unless you're able to wash every inch of that sucker inside and out, you're probably better off getting another airbox from the boneyard...

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arg. i just removed all the refridgerant from my ac system.


Now i'm ready to tackle the evaporator. If its not behind that then i will go for the whole air system. Would taking compressed air or a hose in hte air system help at all??

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The NAPA stuff works good, but the problem is that the dead mose/mice are still in there, and they must be removed first before any type of spray will do very much for the smell.

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I had the same thing happen with my car. There was no dead mouse in the air system but one hell of a mouse nest. Be careful with rodent feces, it can carry diseases. Wear gloves and a mask when handling that shit. I used compressed air and a shop vacuum to try to remove as much as possible. Then stock up on Lysol and spray your intake under your wipers. That was a year ago and the smell is 99% gone.

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IM a little confused here


the topic says dead mouse in my air system,but you ask where could it be


doesn't it say you found it in your air box :shrug:

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Wasn't there a guy a year back that ripped out his dash in his Cutlass to clean his air system?


I remember him posting pics with the thing covered in dust.


Can anyone find the post?

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