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I've noticed in my Cutlass (3.4 DOHC) that it seems to lack in low end power and doesn't really seem to rev and accelerate quickly until it gets to the powerband. It has a little less than 160k on it and I dont know the entire work history. Im thinking if I change plug and wires and free up the airflow (intake/exhaust) a little it should help, but what could really be the major culprit here.


The lack in power is compared to my dads Z. His motor has about 140k but also has more problems, but a considerably greater amount of low end power.


What's the deal?


Oh yeah. I forgot about that. the EGR needs to be cleaned as well. It is throwing the EGR code.

A 3.4 DOHC with low end power, thats a new one on me



yea yea I know. But compared to another 3.4, it lacks

i didnt realize 4 strokes had much of a powerband


DOHC motors have more mid to upper power, and a pushrod OHV motor will rip in low end.


As timing belts get old they will stretch. If you haven't replaced it recently you may want to do that. An old belt can cause a 4* variance in timing.


When you change your tbelt. Advance your intake cams +8 degrees and retard exhaust cams -8 degrees. Makes a HUGE differance!!!!

How do you do that..........Use this trick tool


worth ever penny!

Set cam timing on my 97 monte. I was surprised at the differance it made. I checked cam timing before changing it. My cams were set correctly to factory specs.

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