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lq1 stock shift points

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what are the stock shift points on a 93 Z34 and what would they be with a chip


>>under full Acceleration<<


Nice of you to at least list the year...that helps a lot. Your in luck as I have the service manual sitting right in front of me.


From 1-2 it is 6200 RPM (41 MPH) and 2-3 is 6000 RPM (80 MPH). Now, you may want more information, and I'm lazy...so here is a picture of the book. Good luck.




I can change the shift points to whatever. I generally leave them alone unless someone wants them. They are important to change but only if you need to. Its all by MPH in the code so I don't know the RPM exactly. 43, 82, and 120 are what others have had me change them to.


And 43, 82 and 120 work out to roughly the following rpm (if anybody cares):


43mph = ~6500rpm

82mph = ~6150rpm

120mph = ~5750rpm


I should also point out..............these are the speeds the shift is TRIGGERED at............it may actually SHIFT a couple mph later (especially 1-2). So if your speedometer or tach aren't quite spot on, don't worry.


These are actually not close to ideal (where performance is concerned), but they ARE almost at the limits of the 60-E TRANS (which is rated for 6500rpm 1-2, 6250rpm 2-3 and 6K 3-4).


*I* would go a click or 2 further if and push at LEAST to the trans limit (keep the 43mph 1-2, bump 2-3 to around 83-84mph and 3-4 all the way out to 125mph).




FYI...........IDEAL shiftpoints (6800-7000rpm 1-2, 6600-6700 2-3 and 6500 3-4 for a near stock vehicle) compromise the transmission's durability.............so going past the limits I just posted is "buyer beware" time (and also why WOT-Tech doesn't play with shifting unless YOU ask for it).

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