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Post your fix.


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I believe that if you have a problem that you post on the site, no matter what section it is, that you should post your fix when you find the solution.


This would help people when they run into the same proble with thier cars, and would save from people asking the same questions over and over.


I've noticed that threads go untouched after a few suggestions, and no one ever knows how it turns out.


So, post your fixes.

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from what i've seen useing the search feature would save people from asking the same quesion over and over. like the 3.4 oil pump drive o ring. that has been discussed AD NAUSIUM, search and i gaurentee it will be found.

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Yeah, I was unaware of the search feature when I asked that question. I apologized for being a jackass on that one. :lol:


Even then, a lot of the post have a bunch of suggestions on how to fix a problem, but not much on what suggestion actually fixed the original question.

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from what i've seen useing the search feature would save people from asking the same quesion over and over. ........ search and i gaurentee it will be found.




I am locking this thread as one thread that contains every possible fix to a w-body problem would be useless and unsearchable. Like stated above use the search feature of the site and you will find your answer.

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