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While searching through the TGP code I noticed "KAFOPT2" that it says F31 transmission selection. I searched a little while and I think I found a place that references the F31 to the M13 transmission, which is a 4t60-e from what I know. Anybody have any insight into this?


I saw that a while ago. Yes, the F31 checkbox is for the 4T60-E. But unfortunately, the corresponding tables are not in the chip. Not sure why the F31 option is there, but it does nothing.


Apparently if someone had lots of time on thier hands they could merge the F31 tables into the TGP chip, so I've heard. But thats lots of work.


And on top of that, once you get it working and install your 4T60-E...it will be junk in no time. Just like everyone who installs a regular 4T60 in the TGP--they die quickly. I doubt it has to do with the stronger parts inside (none of which I saw when I rebuilt mine...all the hard parts I got were for a 440T4 and were identical), I think it has to do with the valve body assembly being for a turbo car.




Hate to be an ass, but you sure?


I am going the opposite way, I have a 4t60-e and am gonna use the TGP ecm and code to turbo my DOHC, with the 4t60-e. So is all the programming already there to control this thing as well, just the data tables missing? If its just the tables that need moving I think i can manage, but the programming would have to be in the code somewhere already.


If this doesn't work then I would have to piggyback ecm's, so any help, links, etc would be appreciated more then you could know.


I looked in to this a while back, but I was told that it would be lots of work to put the code in. I just decided to rebuild my Turbo trans, so I didn't research it any further.


Just load up the bin from a 1994 3.1. You can compare that with a TGP bin file and see what I'm talking about. There is way more stuff in the 1994 3.1 bin about the F31 transmission option. As for combining them...who knows? Maybe it's possible without a ton of work.


Why don't you get a 4T60 from a TGP? That would solve lots of issues for you I would think. Not to mention, you'd have the valve body / hard parts of a Turbo car so you won't have many problems later.




I saw that, thats why I'm so excited. God I hope its true.


From what I read the DOHC ecm is just the 727 with extra sram. I looked at the pinouts and the 89-90 cars have the same pins going to the trans minus 2 which are used for the wastegate/AIR solonoid and the coolant light instead. 91-93 non DOHC those pins are left unused.


If this is true then it could explain why the 91-93 4t60-e from the DOHC is different from every single other 4t60-e. Also looking at the regular 4t60 electrical setup makes sense, the 91-93 DOHC 4t60-e is a quite a bit similar sensor/switch wise to it, minus the shift solonoids.


Does anybody know if I can run a TGP chip on the DOHC ecm (lets say leaving the trans stuff out of it, just stock TGP)?


I've ran a TGP chip on a DOHC ECM. It works fine.


I'm not sure of electrical differences between the 91-93 and the 94+ transmissions (if there is any), but I know they differ because of the mounts.


The 91-93 transmissions use a large bracket for the trans mount that is bolted to the top and sides of the transmission. The 94+ on the other hand, has a cast aluminum side pan and the trans mount bracket is much smaller...and it mounts to the cast aluminum side pan.




"The problem is that the 1991 3.4 DOHC with 4T60-E tranny was running the "F31" trans option, which means that the trans is shifted entirely by

the ecm, whereas the stock TGP code has no ability to control an electronic tranny. Check out the 3.4 code $9116-$9310 - those are the F31 trans shift parameters - you can get an idea of what these are by looking at the 727-730 A1 document. $8F is missing the algo and data to run an electronic trans. I think you're stuck, unless you can merge the F31 code and data into the $8F code - yikes that would be a lot of work."


A quote I found from an old email msg. Hope this info helps.




Where are you getting $9xxx address from? My files all end at $8000. Also, the $a1 shift tables would fit right into the $8f code, there is a big blank space there stock.


And to play devils advocate, why is there an option to enable it if the programming is not there to control it?


Don't know. I was just cleaning out my old emails and ran across that one. It was a reply I got when I asked the same questions you are asking me. And this guy knew his stuff too.


Oh well...




Thanks for the help. Once I get it tuned enough to drive I'll probably transplant the data tables, turn it on and monitor the 2 outputs to see what happens.

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