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I changed the engie harness it was chew up and had some cut wires. i compared the old one with the new one exactally the same. I had spark before i changed this harness now i have none. other then the crank sensor what else could cause no spark!! the knock sensor?? the ECM has been changed.


wtf!! engie harness asplode?!111 lolz i dunno wuts rong man mayb itz cuz u cant spel LMEFAO.,


Umm, if you didn't hook up the ignition module or coils it wouldn't crank.


The knock sensor would not cause a no-start. It would only cause timing retardation.


First thing I'd do is check the wiring to the ICM/coils. Get in there with a voltmeter and see if it's getting power.


I did but i did not get any volts off the connectors coming in. i did not check all of them. i did check the one that connects to left side the only wire on that side. i did not check the other side although. i will check 6 wire connectors. should the cms wires have anthing coming out of them, going to cms. this is done with the key in the on postion.


Are you sure the harnesses matched?? If you're 100% sure they did, you might have the wrong engine harness.


Would a 3.1 harness match a '95 3100 harness? They're not completely different engines, but I'd be willing to bet crucial components would have different coloured wires!


i ran perfect for about a two weeks or so. then i would miss once a while down the road, the ntwo the point it would die then start and die right away again then just fire after that. i thought it was fuel problem so i replaced the fuel pump. still no go. i was getting fuel to injectors, but would not start. so i check the harness it had so broken wires by the pullys and by the power steering pump so i replced the harness. i pulledthe harness of the same exact car any ideas why i would have spark then none. one more thing when i got the car started after it died and would not start when i did get it started it would run for about a day the do it all over again


I have voltage to the two wire dis connector. 12v. still no spark. should there be resistance to the cms sensor or is there votage coming from the coil pack for cms connector.


I have voltage to the two wire dis connector. 12v. still no spark. should there be resistance to the cms sensor or is there votage coming from the coil pack for cms connector.


I have voltage to the two wire dis connector. 12v. still no spark. should there be resistance to the cms sensor or is there votage coming from the coil pack for cms connector.


The crank sensor sends a very small voltage to the ICM telling it when to fire. I'd bet that the Crank position sensor or the wires going to the ICM are causing the difficulty. Not sure bout the 3.1, but the DOHC has the CPS very close to the Knock sensor.

it was dis fuse


:roll: I dont see why people dont check these more often before they start freakin out about a problem.... its usually one of the first things i would check

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