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Help me prolong the life of my TGP!!!


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Two problems with my TGP. maybe someone can help me out. Problem #1. When ever i stop, the car floods out. It runs fine till I come to a stop, the car shuts off. The only thing I know is the rpms and the oil pressure gauge drop just before the car sputs out. If I give it gas or drop it in nuetral and give it a little gas, it fine. First I thought it was the alternator. That checked out to be fine. Is this a throttle positioning senser?


Problem #2. When I first bought the car, the rear passenger sides strut didnt move at all (or so I thought) So i brought the car in and had the struts replaces, but yet it still doesnt move. Pretty rough ride. if its not the strut, what is it?? Any help would be great. I gotta get the car ready by Saturday night. Im taking it dirt track racing!!!

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WELL!!! did all that info help :lol: We are so nasty :P Actually, if your engine starts to stall out around 3.6 mph then it might be the stock (?) chip, else the (stock?/cracked) pipe keeping things too rich so when the "Can Be Idle" fuel is reached, it bogs rich. Does it idle ok after you kick it a bit?? There is also a condition with the parking brake switch, to test this let the car come to a stop without using your brake, it is does not stall then its the switch, if not then read above!


Jeff M

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The car is near near death and wasnt much to look at when I got it. I plan to let it go the way all cars deserve to die...on a half mile dirt track race. Its not as bad as it sounds. Is a drag race, 1 on 1, one lap. You win, you get back in line, you lose, your gone. Ive only done this a few times.


Jeff M, thanks for the advice, however I didnt understand a word you wrote. As for if it stalls out after I kick it, not usually. It mostly stalls when Im in stop and go traffic. If I kick it, the oil pressure goes way up and almost buys it more time before it stalls out. Hope that helps. Thanks again for any info.

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  • 1 month later...
Help me prolong the life of my TGP!!!


Im taking it dirt track racing!!!





I've got a solution: Stop being the piss out of your poor car.


:smilielol: samiamryan, little too mutch to drink?

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Its not as bad as it sounds. Is a drag race, 1 on 1, one lap. You win, you get back in line, you lose, your gone. Ive only done this a few times.



they have this near me at the local redneck raceway(which is REALLY fun to go watch) and its called One-on-One Drags....People are idiots and take their brand ass new vettes and race and then they get road rage and eventually wreck their once nice car. :roll: personally i dont get it

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