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UB3 Upgrade Question (not wire C13!!)


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I have 2 UB3's and both have black plastic where the gear indicator is. In the base it's black, but with the letters clear (PNDO21). What I want to know is why the cars that the UB3's came out of have black plastic.. how am I supposed to tell if I'm in drive other than counting when putting it in gear? I can take pics of the problem if anybody needs more info

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Some came with indicators, some didn't. I think you can pop the indicator out of the base cluster and put it in the UB3 if I remember right..

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It would help to know what car you are talking about? Assuming a cutty.

If the car had a floor shifter there was no indicator in the cluster just that blank. Most cars that got the UB3 were usually floor shifted so that's why it may have seemed that way.

I think with all gen1 cars you can swap the indicator with the blank, there's two like 6mm screws that holds it in.

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Of course, they're obviously from floor shifted models.. how come I didn't think of that? :x


I did swith it with my indicator from the base cluster, but my curiousity got the best of me.


Thanks for the help!

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