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282 mated to LQ1

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Assuming I wanted to do this, what exactly would I have to do to the 282 to make it stand up to the LQ1 good enough to make it a daily driver (and you guys know MY definition of a daily driver :twisted:)? I don't know much about transmissions at all..


You probably only need a decent clutch considering some guys are putting pretty good power through them in stock form behind various motors. Whatcha' gonna put a LQ1 in anyways? :wink:


282 = not geared well for the DOHC.

Guest TurboSedan
282 = not geared well for the DOHC.


why not? i'm just curious.


I don't think it would pull far enough into the rpm's to make it fast. Since the 282's weren't used with DOHC's they wouldn't be geared to that motor. Might even be worse on gas.


It'd be better on gas, but whatever...


The 282 is actually a decent match forthe 3.4, just not as good as the 284 for a stock motor.


So you CAN use the 282 w/ an LQ1 and have it function normally, lightly modded? (Chipped, UDP)

So you CAN use the 282 w/ an LQ1 and have it function normally, lightly modded? (Chipped, UDP)


You probably could, but seeing as it's geared differently, you're probably not going to get top performance from it. The powerband of the DOHC engine is in an entirely different spot from the 3.1, IIRC people say that they have to totally relearn how to get power when they go from one to another.


That being said, the gears on the 284 are probably shorter and taller in different spots. It's probably not a gigantic difference, but there's still the issue of the 284 being better made and stronger. I guess you could beef up the 282, but it'd be expensive.

So you CAN use the 282 w/ an LQ1 and have it function normally, lightly modded? (Chipped, UDP)


You'll have to do some mild tuning to get the car PERFECT, but I knew a guy who did it to one and his only problems were speedometer and a think cruise?


i am running a L67 with the 282 with no problems yet. just remeber the 282 should not be run past 7k RPM according to GM....the gear is kind of low for highway driving

the gear is kind of low for highway driving


Actually it'd be the opposite. At 7000rpm,a 282 is at like 40, 70, and 105 in a 282, and it is at 350, 60, 95 in a 284. Therefore at freeway speeds, it'd be around 2000rpm, wheras the 284 is at 2500-3000, which keeps a good amount of torque at hand.


shaun, when you get it done, i wanna drive it when i come down !


Well, I guess I'm going with the 282. I don't need the car to be a highway queen.


I was under the impression that you could get HD gears and different ratios to put in the 282. If so, what's the gearing matter?

Guest TurboSedan
If so, what's the gearing matter?


i think the big thing would be the spacing in between the gears. you'd obviously want your upshift to bring you back down to an RPM where you're making good power.


how the LQ1 responds to the gearing of (various) 282s as compared to the 284 i don't know.


I was under the impression that you could get different ratios to put in the 282.

Guest TurboSedan
I was under the impression that you could get different ratios to put in the 282.


you can. ALL W-body 282s have the same gear ratios, but if you were to get a 282 from say Corsica or a Cavalier it would have different ratios and FDR. you can also get a 282 from a HO Quad-4 car but you'd obviously have to change the bellhousing.


which 282 is best suited to the LQ1 is beyond me.


Ok..........here's the deal.........gear ratios for the V6 variants of these trannies are as follows:






1st 3.46

2nd 2.28

3rd 1.48

4th 1.09

5th 0.72

Axle 3.67






J/L Body OHV V6 (also 5 speed Fiero's with the 282):


1st 3.50

2nd 2.05

3rd 1.38

4th 0.92

5th 0.72

Axle 3.61


W Body OHV V6


1st 3.77

2nd 2.19

3rd 1.38

4th 1.03

5th 0.81

Axle 3.61


What does this all mean?


Well, the W-Body 282's (as compared to J/L Body 282's) have broader gear spacing for 1-2 (although not much) and 2-3, but are tighter for 3-4 and 4-5...........this means that you have a car better from a rolling start, but slower off the line (although the shorter overall gearing in 1st may make up some of this defecit). So, for most guys, the J/L Body V6 282 would be the better match (although still not as good as the 284).



But.........then you have the Quad 4 (L/N Body) variants:


1989 HO


1st 3.50

2nd 2.19

3rd 1.38

4th 1.03

5th 0.72

Axle 3.61



1990 HO


1st 3.50

2nd 2.19

3rd 1.38

4th 1.03

5th 0.81

Axle 3.61



1991 HO


Same as W-Body V6 gears above......


These first few years of the Q4 variants really aren't any better than the 282 V6 gears (and for 91 are actually the same as what all OHV W's got).


But here's where things get interesting.........



1992-1994 HO


1st 3.50

2nd 2.05

3rd 1.38

4th 1.03

5th 0.72

Axle 3.94



1991-1993 W41


1st 3.50

2nd 2.05

3rd 1.38

4th 1.03

5th 0.81

Axle 3.94



These two gearsets are VERY nicely matched to the LQ1's powerband. Lets compare a 7000rpm shift (not ideal for stock, but it's what I'm using :P ) between the 284 and the 92+ 282 Q4 gearsets (with 225/60R16 tires):




1st 7K rpm = ~42mph

2nd 7K rpm = ~63mph (~4600rpm off of the shift)

3rd 7K rpm = ~98mph (~4550rpm off of the shift)

4th 7K rpm = ~133mph (~5150rpm off of the shift)

5th 7K rpm = ~201mph (~4600rpm off of the shift)


92+ (and W41 1st-4th) Q4 HM-282


1st 7K rpm = ~39mph

2nd 7K rpm = ~66mph (~4100rpm off of the shift)

3rd 7K rpm = ~98mph (~4700rpm off of the shift)

4th 7K rpm = ~131mph (~5250rpm off of the shift)

5th 7K rpm = ~187mph (~4900rpm off of the shift)


Looking at this, you can see that the 92+ Q4 gears are supperior to the 284 in a few ways:


1) ALL but the 1-2 shift are spaced closer, meaning less rpm drop off of each shift (and thus staying in more in the meat of the powerband). And it's not like the 1-2 shift is very much wider (it's also the easiest shift for the engine to pull out of).


2) 1st gear is shorter..........this means better launches (with sticky tires anyway).


3) 5th gear is shorter......... this means the engine will rev closer to peak power at higher speeds, thus improving TOP speed (for those interested).




So..........MY vote is for the 1992-1994 Q4 gears with the bellhousing swapped.


THAT is the best 282 out there for the LQ1 (the W41's 5th gear is a little short to be ideal).

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