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anyone interested in a L67 swap different harness now

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I am now urging everyone to use the 3800 monte carlo harness for the swap. it keeps everything stock in the first gen cars. i will be getting a bunhc and modding them for people


You're speaking of the 98 and 99 Montes with the L36, correct? Would the 98-99 Monte harness be any different from a 96 Regal L36 harness?



So bottom line, when I finally do the L67 swap, you recommend eschewing the harness from the L67 motor I end up buying and using one from a Monte, or would you need the Monte harness in addition to the one that came with the L67?


you are using the monte one because it will run the 4t65e trans. yes you dont need the L67 harness at all from the ar you get the motor from.


yes the L36 monte carlo


What do you mean "keeps everything stock"? You don't need to mess with the interior harness?


you never had to mess with the interior harness except running the wires fro the OBD 2 port. I mean it keep sthe battery on the driver side with the wind washer tank an the PCM and the coolant over flow on the passager side. for poeple with the new style cruise control unit there is no wiring for that you just plug it in and go.


for poeple who have OBD 1 you still need to run wires for the OBD 2 port but that is really easy to do.


sweet, i'll be doing the swap as soon as i can find a place around here under $3000 for the engine and trans :shock:


New way






Old way







as you can see the new way is alot cleaner

you are using the monte one because it will run the 4t65e trans.

Oh that's right, the 96 Regal still used the 60-E tranny...



New way




Old way




as you can see the new way is alot cleaner


Very cool! :thumbsup: That basically keeps it looking like a stock install :thumbsup: It seems the longer I wait to do the swap, the more you guys discover new "tricks" :lol: ...


SWEET...so basically, i can use a MC harness and don't have to change anything?...i'm hoping to be doing this swap within the next year...as soon as i come up with the $$ for the engine...


AND, WTF is up with L67swap.com!?...i tried to join the other day and it won't let me...


Hmmm, I'd been telling people to use the MC harness ever since Cat-man finished his swap several years ago.


If you want to use a 4T60-E HD (or risk blowing up your old 4T60-E), you can also use a 3800 Series I harness and PCM with an L27 MEMCAL. Some tweaking required if you use a non-3800 tranny since the FDR is different.


well you can use the 96 regal that will keep the 4t60e trans use the monte one or any w-body harness before 95 that has the 3800 attached to it



do you have aol? that will cause a issue


ya know I thought I saw a discrepency at the C100 harness just between 1995 Cutlass (OBD1ish) and 1996 Cutlass (OBD2) MOST wires are the same except of course theextra for OBD2, HOWEVER I also notice a few power wires MOVED. So that being said are you SURE this is plug and play for pre-'96?


Also by chance were you contacted by a Cutlass Ciera owner from Long Island about a job?


would this harness work in a Reatta? Can the stock one be used? Oh! and the E-trans what do I need to add to make it work and the axles are they different? thanks


Reatta SC 8)


no i was not contacted by anyone from LI. I never said it was 100% plug and play. youhave to cut some wires and run some wires. for the most part the wires are in the same locations. i am trying to figure out right now how many of those red wires are really needed. I usually hook up all of them but it looks like that is not needed


as for the reatta check the site a guy just did one

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