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i've got a 93 3.1 swapped into a 90 gp. the engine started and ran before i did the swap even on old plugs and wires. now, during the first second or two of cranking it will act like it wants to start, then it just cranks. it's got new plugs/wires and ciol packs and good icm. the icm is getting voltage and the plugs are sparking (simple on the block test, not a calibrated spark tester).


I checked voltage on the two exposed fuel injectors and i'm getting 12 volts with the key on. should bothe the pink/black AND blue wires on the injectors have 12 v with the ignition on? i assumed the pink/blk wire would be hot in run and the blue would pulse upon receiving a signal from the pcm. however both the pink/blk and blue wires have 12 v with the ignition on.


also, when i try to code the computer i don't get any codes, but the iac extends all the way out. i had a spare and i hooked it up while i was coding to see what was hapenning only to see it shoot 10 feet across the yard.


would a vacuum problem cause the engine not to start at all? given what i know so far, my only conclusions are either a vacuum problem or a pcm problem.


so if anyone has the pinouts for a 93 gp 3.1 4t60e computer i'd appreciate your help. thanks in advance.


oh and i think this should be in the powertrain section, but i'm pretty sure i posted this around 5 a.m. i was pretty out of it. sorry :oops:

Guest TurboSedan

do you get fuel pressure with key on engine off? check the schraider valve on the fuel rail - is your fuel pump priming the fuel rail?


The injectors will have +12 on both sides until the pudr pulses one side to ground that is normal, no start = no gas, no spark or no compression.


If you have spark then get a can of spray start and spray it in the air cleaner if it starts then dies you have no gas. Possible causes fuel filter, fuel pump, fuel injectors ( and yes sometimes they all clog/stick at same time especially when they are left to dry out and sit for a months like during an engine swap or when the gas line was disconnected and left open to get full of dust dirt and scrap crud of the side of the block as it was raised/lowered during and engine swap) , fuel injector fuses( there are 2 of them tho one for each bank of 3 cylinders and usually it will start and run on 3 cylinders), injector ground on pudr bad, pudr itself bad, with your symptoms I would think filter or pump


fuel filter maybe. the pump has less tan 500 mileson it.


and what's a pudr?


comPUDeR aka ECM aka PCM aka ECU


may still be the pump most likely time for a pump to be bad is when its new/deffective or old/worn , check and seee if it runs on spray, then you know if its no gas problem at least then eliminate the casues


comPUDeR aka ECM aka PCM aka ECU

oooooh. :oops:


will do. thanks



oh and i think this should be in the powertrain section, but i'm pretty sure i posted this around 5 a.m. i was pretty out of it. sorry :oops:


moving it for you ;)

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