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Changing the Oil Pump Drive O-ring in 3.4 DOHC

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Has anyone done this in thier 3.4 DOHC. How hard is it? I realize that I will prolly have to take the heads and TB assembly and such off, I was just curious on how much time and money this may take. I hate leaks.


Maybe Ill just let it run out of oil and blow it up. My motor is under warranty. :D :D


IF its under warrentee why dont you just tell them the fucker leaks and have them fix it before something catastrophic happens?

IF its under warrentee why dont you just tell them the fucker leaks and have them fix it before something catastrophic happens?
Yeah, that's what I was going to say. :bash:

you "experts" on the LQ-1 slay me. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I now have 2 w-body 3.4 cars, both needed the seal redone, both got done by the same shop. Cost was $138 Can for each and 1 1/4 hrs shop time start to finish. Cripes, stop yankin the motor in and out every time you need to change more than your oil.


22k KMs on the Grand Prick GTP (got terrible performance) since repair and not a drop or even enough to attract dirt near the seal.


Ya....pull the heads :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Just to clear it up. The engine is under warranty but seals and gaskets are only replaced in conjunction with covered component. So I cant just say that it leaks, they will say, "What do you want us to do about it?" But if the engine blows...... :wink:


I wouldn't want to have to have my engine replaced though.

you "experts" on the LQ-1 slay me. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I now have 2 w-body 3.4 cars, both needed the seal redone, both got done by the same shop. Cost was $138 Can for each and 1 1/4 hrs shop time start to finish. Cripes, stop yankin the motor in and out every time you need to change more than your oil.


22k KMs on the Grand Prick GTP (got terrible performance) since repair and not a drop or even enough to attract dirt near the seal.


Ya....pull the heads :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I would rather do my work, and make sure it's right and not going to leak.

you "experts" on the LQ-1 slay me. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I now have 2 w-body 3.4 cars, both needed the seal redone, both got done by the same shop. Cost was $138 Can for each and 1 1/4 hrs shop time start to finish. Cripes, stop yankin the motor in and out every time you need to change more than your oil.


22k KMs on the Grand Prick GTP (got terrible performance) since repair and not a drop or even enough to attract dirt near the seal.


Ya....pull the heads :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


And it is not the proper way to fix that problem, although without pulling the head is pretty much the way everyone does it though.


I have a 91 Z34 that use to have that problem. I fixed mine by disassembling the upper half of the motor. That would include upper and lower intakes. If you decide to go that far, now would be a good time to replace plugs and wires. Now how I replaced mine was just this. If you look at the back of the motor just above that plug, you'll see a bolt boss. Take a good cutting wheel preferably attached to an air cut-off tool or a power drill, and hack off that chunk of aluminum just below the threaded portion of that boss. Lift that plug up(it will not come all the way out, so be patient its not going to). Take an o-ring about the same size of the plug and stretch it over the large portion of the plug or flanged portion of the plug and put it back down and tighten it. Oil leak is fixed. also check the breather plate below the lower intake for any oil seepage. If there is, nows the time to fix it. Other than that, just put the vehicle back together and enjoy :D

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