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Squeak when shifting into reverse

Sleek 93 SE

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Like the title says, everytime i shift into reverse my car shakes and makes a squeak noise. Even before the squeak the car would shift hard from park to drive or reverse, it like shook the car, is that bad? Now I got this squeak, i can not tell where its coming from but the car runs perfectly fine otherwise and it only does this into reverse.


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My car lurches into reverse - as well as drive...nothing sqeaks yet...but you are not alone in the sense my car shifts harsely into forward or reverse gears from park. ALmost like someone as hit your car..that is the feeling you get right?? (like small bump)


- Jeff L.

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Check all your motor mounts. Open the hood and have someone put the car into gear and see if the motor moves alot. The dogbone mounts aren't hard to change but there is a hydraulic mount on the bottom that is a bitch.

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