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Hey everyone,

Got my FFP Dogbones and installed them. I love them to death. The car vibrates like it has a 350 and solid motor mounts. I love it. and the 1-2 shift really puts you in your seat. I will post pics so you guys can see how beat my old DogBones were.


You can just get a set of poly bushings to replace the beat up rubber ones in your stock mounts. It's not as pretty, but it works just as well. (The stock mounts are lighter than the FFP ones anyway).


- Justin


the FFP mounts I got where actually about half the weight of the stock mounts.


the other day I was just sitting at a red light and decided to give it about half throttle and she just took off. I love these mounts.


cant wait to see the pics.

BTW heres a pic of the old mounts and the new FFP before I put them in



the aluminum stock mounts are lighter then the steel ones. i can't afford ffp ones so i'm going to use the drill press my dad has to drill out my spare beat up steel ones. then put in those poly mounts on both sides of those dog bones after painting them with high temp white or grey paint.


I didn't know there were steel ones....my originals were aluminum, and definetly much lighter than my FFP mounts. But I got a deal on them, and my Lumina is not my racecar, so they are still on there....


- Justin

You can just get a set of poly bushings to replace the beat up rubber ones in your stock mounts. It's not as pretty, but it works just as well. (The stock mounts are lighter than the FFP ones anyway).


- Justin


The stock Dogbones were over twice as heavy as the FFP ones. I had both FFP Dog bones in one hand and one stock one in the other and the two FFP's felt lighter than the one stock one. What year car were your dog bones from?


FFP mounts ar billet aluminum. Stock are cast aluminum. There is less meterial on the FFP mounts after milling, even though it doesn't look like it.


Cast will usually be heavier then the same component made out of the same meterial, that has been milled out of a billet block.


I always thought the FFP were lighter too, because the are aluminum and stock is steel.


The stock-type dogbones that Pioneer sells are hella lighter than the FFP ones. I can attest to that fact. Why you'd honestly care about how much a dogbone weighs vs. how it performs is beyond me, though.


Pep boys sells the lighter upper mounts for I think $15 each. You can get poly bushings at their online site, or at performance shops. I think they run $20 a set.


but lighter isn't that much of a difference on this car. The FFP design over a stock design is MUCH stronger/rigid, and accually frees up some of that "free" TQ.


The other designs are simply for weight, when its mabey a pound difference at most.


Yeah, The I design of the FFP is going to be much more rigid then a stock aluminum unit. And I bet the weight difference is negligable.

but lighter isn't that much of a difference on this car. The FFP design over a stock design is MUCH stronger/rigid, and accually frees up some of that "free" TQ.


The other designs are simply for weight, when its mabey a pound difference at most.



You can just get a set of poly bushings to replace the beat up rubber ones in your stock mounts. It's not as pretty, but it works just as well. (The stock mounts are lighter than the FFP ones anyway).


- Justin


The stock Dogbones were over twice as heavy as the FFP ones. I had both FFP Dog bones in one hand and one stock one in the other and the two FFP's felt lighter than the one stock one. What year car were your dog bones from?


'91 Lumina - and the stock ones were noticeably lighter than the FFPs. But like I said, I don't really care, since the Lumina isn't my race car.


- Justin

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