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It gets more interesting...

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Okay so you all might remember my post about the idling problem when cold on my dads 97 Lumina 3100. Well it gets more interesting.


I'm driving it and the SES comes on. As I am driving to Advance to get it coded it now is stumbling at stoplights. The code was PO300-- Random/multiple cylinder misfires detected.


As I'm driving home, the car is stumbling and idling irratically. It will not idle normal and if you are driving 45-55mph it feels like it's going to die.


I, for one, am going to try replacing the wires/plugs again eventhough they are only 7k old. Maybe one of them is bad, and they are underwarranty anyways. Besides that, I'm open for suggestions. Thanks guys.


Hmm. I'm going to have to disagree with them all and say it's the ICM or coilpacks.


Where is the best place to get coil packs? Do I need all 3 or is there a way to test the ones I have?


Me and DIS have never worked together before so this is my first experience. :roll: I'm used to HEI and points..yeah old school!!!

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