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i am fucking so tired of this transmission. First off. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th(overdrive?) then shifts again on freeway (42+) torque converter lock up? is this right or is it a different order. it shifts a total of 5 times though. my car on the freeway won't shift up that one more time so what is that.. at 60 if i give it gas it goes right to 2800 rpms instead of holding steady and accelerating. wtf. no one can explain this to me and i know it is not operating right. i have driven the car when the tranny worked right.


uh your car is only a 4 spd overdrive just makes it more economical on the highway. so don't expect it to shift any higher :? it should top out at 105-112 some where around there


yes you have the correct order. You mean on the freeway it doesn't "downshift" but the RPM's move up a little? Basically you don't have lockup engaging (unless you go over 3/4 throttle then it will release and drop to 3rd) the easiest way to check if lockup is working is to tap the brake pedal with your left foot while keeping the accelerator steady over 55 with your right. Lockup will disengage when you tap the brake pedal, then reengage when you let off.


alright. When i hit the brake at 55, nothing happens. Rpms stay constant. I have checked the plug in the tranny and most of the wiring so i think it is the TCC solenoid. the problem i m having is it isn't going into the final drive. at highway speed, when i hit the gas the rpms fluxuate unless i hit it 3/4 of the way and i go into third. Brian i think you got it right. Are we on the same page?


I would agree.....it sounds like you are having issues with your TCC solenoid....causing it to not apply or only partially apply. You need to get it fixed.....or you will be replacing more than just a solenoid. Like the torque converter....and if the trans gets hot enough, the entire unit.


see finally someone agrees. People are like just drive it the way it is. Its like well first off im using more gas cause im on the freeway all the time. Second its more work for the motor and trans. im taking it to get fixed tonight. Usually i fix a majority of my own stuff, but i dont' want to and im getting a pretty good deal. hopefull they can figure it out. the first time it was looked at the guy was driving it, got up to 60 and let off the gas and said "oh its down to 2000 rpms, right where it should be" i was like wtf. first off i don't drive down the freeway with my foot of the gas, and try going up a hill. you will then be reving at close to 3k to keep a constant speed. when the torque converter locked i could drive up a hill, doing 65, same rpms right at 2k and not lose speed.


this guy owns a shop up north from me. I dated his daughter, i get discounts

this guy owns a shop up north from me. I dated his daughter, i get discounts


Does she drive a newer Grand Prix? :naughty:




this guy owns a shop up north from me. I dated his daughter, i get discounts


Does she drive a newer Grand Prix? :naughty:






alright. When i hit the brake at 55, nothing happens. Rpms stay constant. I have checked the plug in the tranny and most of the wiring so i think it is the TCC solenoid. the problem i m having is it isn't going into the final drive. at highway speed, when i hit the gas the rpms fluxuate unless i hit it 3/4 of the way and i go into third. Brian i think you got it right. Are we on the same page?


Sure sounds like it. My TCC solenoid works fine when the tranny is cold or somewhat warm but after any kind of long drive, while on the gas (TCC engaged) if I open up the throttle some more, the engine RPM starts to increase like the converter is slipping. I'm hoping it is just the TCC (and there was a TSB on this complaint for 1995 models), I have to get on that soon. For now I just always make sure if I have to accelerate, I let off the throttle (unlock the converter) then I accelerate.


does the vacuum ball have anything to do with the torque converter engaging?

i got a new one of those after the accident. My cruise control doesn't work. I though of this tonight after i dropped off the car


Here's a relatively related question: My buddy's 2000 GP GT with the 4t65e has an odd occurance around 50 or so. When cruising with light throttle, it seems like his torque converter rapidly locks and unlocks back and forth over and over. His rpms go up and down a few hundred rpms until you either mash the gas or let up on it. Is that a similar problem to the above? The TCC? He's got 98k on the car, so the trans is probably due for a rebuild. But would this issue be fixed w/a rebuild automatically or would it need to be specifically mentioned? What's the approx. price on a 4t65 rebuild also? Sorry to kinda whore the post.




98 seems really early for a rebuild. i don't know what the problem could be though. from what i understand, the tcc is what controls that so you would think that is the culprit.

98 seems really early for a rebuild. i don't know what the problem could be though. from what i understand, the tcc is what controls that so you would think that is the culprit.


When are transmissions supposed to be rebuilt? At approx what mileage? And I figure this issue on his car should probably be fixed as to not create more damage. And while it's apart, a rebuild would be easier and logical I'd assume. Ideas for a 4t65e rebuild (and fixing the above issue) - just a rough ballpark from what others have spent?




I would say a low medium for tranny rebuilds seems to be around 130k in general, but then, plenty of us are still hitting high 100k on the original. All depends how it was taken care of.


Ive got 155k on mine......and its been driven fairly hard. BUT....I take care of it.


Cool. Thanks for the info guys! That means I can spend his money for him on exterior mods :lol: Lol Anyways, we did put a bottle of the Lucas trans additive in his trans which firmed it up a little bit. The car WAS previously owned/used by the city, hence the high mileage for an '00. But I don't think it was "abused"...but who knows haha. He knows the repeated unlocking/locking of the TC isn't good for it and varies the throttle accordingly as to stop it from doing so. If he does that, would that buy some time for the trans? The trans fluid was changed on his car probably 10k ago (the problem started before the fluid change though). Just dont' want him blowin the trans on a stock (for now) gp :P

Thanks for the info though,



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