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Problem : 95' Cutlass rear door "dome" lights


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I've got a 95 cutlass I picked up recently (really cheap, blown 3100), rebuild the motor, and now got a nice clean driver.


The only issue is the rear dome lights for the rear doors. They arn't working at all (fuse is good and so are the bulbs). If anyone has any input, I'd appreciate the assistance.


I'm wondering if the issue is in the connector under the Dash (I disconnected it so I could swap out the cruise stick), but not sure the CTSY lights route through that connector.

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I had to hard wire around the switch on the lights. Most likely the switch is the problem. Either get new switches or just wire around them. They will work the same hard wired except you can't turn them on with the switch in the rear.

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I'll check into the switches then. I thought they were working before, but who knows. I'll check the switches, they do feel floppy/loose.

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