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What does my car run?

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I just recently got my Lumina. I was wondering what my car runs in:



I tried to look it up, but was unable to

Also, someone told me that my car could beat v6 camaros and stangs. Is this true?


Well I mean.. my 3.1 MPFI ran 9's in 0-60, so I figured that the 3100 was a little faster than that..



Maybe I need to swap out the 3.4 for a 3100 then?


:willynilly: WOOO!


Yeah, but your 3.4 lacks the awesome bottom end of the 3100!! LOLLLZZZZZ!!!!!11leveln!!!


ull i was aware the 3.1 MPFI W's did 0-60 in like 10 seconds and 1/4 mile of like 17's, while the 3100 does about 9 seconds and 16 in the 1/4 mile


and why did u make 2! posts


What is the LQ1 0-60. I counted my Z34 to about 7.5 or a tad quicker. It's pretty quick. 8)


a stock automatic LQ1's 0-60 is 7.5 seconds and 1/4 mile is 15.8 seconds


a stock 3.1 MPFIs 0-60 is 9.8 secs (accorind to C&D of course)....so i'd guess around 0-60 in 9 seconds flat, and 1/4 mile around 16.9-16.8


What are the LQ1 manual transmission numbers then? How much of a difference is there in acceleration?

What are the LQ1 manual transmission numbers then? How much of a difference is there in acceleration?


a second faster i do believe...


a bull shit that thing runs 6.8 0-60, more like 7 flat or 7.2 or somthing.

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