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Upper intake plenum removed..Anything I need to do??

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Well I finall got my hose clamp pliers in and got the plenum off (Thanks to those who helped). My question is??Is there anything I need to do while this thing is off getting polished..Any cleaning(Inside of plenum)??And if so what do I need to do/use..Any input will be greatly appreciated..


I'll snap some pics and post when the polishing is done..Again thanks..


im not aware u need to anything, check all ur vacuum lines under there, and change ur PCV valve too!


You could spray some carb cleaner into and clean it that way.


You could also get some Chem-Dip (avalable at most parts stores) and pour it into the intake.

pour chem dip into the intake???? isnt that kinda risky?


I think he means the plenum.


Yes I'm talking about the upper intake plenum. I have it off doing some mods..I was just wondering if their is anything to do while I had it off..


Port and Polish, and chem dip are the only two things that come to mind for mods while its off.


The best thing I've found for cleaning the upper intake is gasoline. Pour a quart or so into the upper intake, swish it around a bit and pour it off into another container. Repeat a couple times, then add the washings to a some other gas and use in in your lawn mower. Works great, its cheap, and you'll get an assload of gunk out of there.


I'm sure I'll catch flak for this, but I'd much rather change a single fouled plug on a cheap ass mower than plugs on my Cutlass.


Gas never worked so well for me and carbon buildup. Valvoline makes a killer top end cleaner that breaks down carbon on contact, but its hard to find. Couple cans of brake cleaner or berrymans chem dip will do the job as well.


may as well do lower intake gaskets while your down that far. cheep and easy.


You should just try to get the 96+ Intakes instead of porting and polishing. :roll:


they make a 3 part kit that has a small bottle of that, a Fuel injector cleaner and a bottle of intake cleaner which is a stonger version of the spray, but yea that shit works the balls.

they make a 3 part kit that has a small bottle of that, a Fuel injector cleaner and a bottle of intake cleaner which is a stonger version of the spray, but yea that shit works the balls.
Damn, it must be hard to find. They don't list it on their site!

pull the lower intake while you have it tore down that far and check to see if you are leaking oil around the valley plate

pull the lower intake while you have it tore down that far and check to see if you are leaking oil around the valley plate


X2, since ya got 1/2 of it off - might as well play it safe.

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