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I can say before I drove my Dad's new '94 Cutlass Supreme Convertible (DOHC/Auto 40,000 miles) that I never had too much of an interest in them, thinking they were just an expensive engine to own that was somewhat obscure.


Needless to say I am a believer...the thing accellerated so smoothly and pretty quickly. It idled nice and smooth, started good, sounded good.


Now i found the '92 International Series 5-speed coupe...and I am really thinking about it. Other than changing the oil every 3k (which i do anyway) and the timing belt every 60k (they are like what, $50) they seem like a fairly trouble free engine with a lot of potential.


Anyways...I love driving and fast cars (I have a 1970 Duster also) but I can't drive the Duster daily...the 3.4 seems like a good engine for having fun but getting decent mileage and still being able to go ok in the winter.


What do you like about the DOHC?

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I like the speed and reliabilty. I might start an arguement but it is a reliable engine with regular maintenence. I've never had a timing belt go on me before or anything really. They are very smooth fast engines.


Changing the timing belt cost's just a bit more than $50 every 60k miles. If you don't want to do it, look to easily spend $600+ at a repair garage. Otherwise, it may only cost you roughly $250-$300 to do.


I guess I don't understand that since the belt itself is only like $50...you have to replace something else with it? I would do it myself

Guest Anonymous

belts are more than 50 bucks... and its best that you replace the pulleys as well, they have a tendency to break at such unopportune moments. changing the belts is not an easy job, do it yourself or not... its not a drop in the bucket.


Also, there is not "potential" for these engines... theres very few mods you can do for them besides the basics, that i know of.


BTW, shouldnt this be in powertrain?


Partsamerica.com lists the component kit (pulleys) at $129 and the belt as being $37.99...both Dayco Brand...

Also, there is not "potential" for these engines... theres very few mods you can do for them besides the basics, that i know of.


Are you kidding me? This engine has a ton of potential, but only a certain few are willing to invest the money into it.

Guest Anonymous

I just spend about $300 on the belt, the idler pulley(s) and the tensioner pulley(s)


Just dont get your hopes up on the 3.4... I know alot of people swear by them, but there is nothing to get excited about... unless you plan on doing ALL the maintaince on the engine, I dont recommened one at all. I've made the mistake three times.

Just dont get your hopes up on the 3.4... I know alot of people swear by them, but there is nothing to get excited about... unless you plan on doing ALL the maintaince on the engine, I dont recommened one at all. I've made the mistake three times.


And about 99% of this board is suprised you keep going with the 3.4. Maintenance isn't all that hard, you just have to be willing to work on your car.


The fact that petty still goes on with a total of three of these terrible, potential free, engines is a true testament to how good the engine really is.

Now that that argument's over, the reason I like the 3.4 TDC is that with 176000 miles, it still eats almost any 4 cylinder naturally aspirated car of this decade, despite being designed circa 1988. There's barely a car around that goes 170,000 miles without major internal engine or trans work, I beleieve on this board there are 4 or five that have made it that far. Yup, that's what I call a TERRIBLE engine. :lol:

Guest Anonymous

Who said we were arguing? Im just saying I dont really like em... you really need to be able to work on them yourself for it to be worth it.


whats the "potential" for these engines... theres no real "mods" that are "easy"...

Guest Anonymous



you finally got me, I lovee my 3.4's, no matter how many times they've let me down, I LOVE THE 3.4!!!


I've never owned a 3.4..but I'd say regular maintence is the key. And if you can't do shit yourself you are gonna be going broke paying a mechanic to do the maintence that should be done.


but I own a rotary engine, and that thing is the definiton of regular manitence


- Jeff L.


It really is a great car, owning the highest milege 3.4 on the board w/o a rebuild, and personally (IMO) owning one of the nicest 3.4's on the board, I can come from both worlds, modded and reliable.


I only spent about 200 on my timing belt the second time (the most expensive repair, previous attempt was only 90-100)


and ross....




I had a 94 CS Convertible with 3.4 and loved it, it was my dream engine before i owned that car and had a lot of fun with it, then had to trade it for other car and it was a 2002 Rustang GT but at that time my friend bought a 92 CS with 3.4 and with raced and at about 40mph i had a hard time loosing him with mustang so 3.4 is a quick engine. Right now i own that car and it was really abused by him with 109k miles never changed timing belt and still runs strong. So i say that it is a very goood engine.


I love the surprised look on peoples faces when I get on it, the intake roar comes, and it runs away.


I love the insane top end and the sound the motor makes. Also, I love how it looks. Few GM motors look so clean and powerful under the hood without a bunch of plastic covers.


I love it. Had to replace the alternater at 100,044 miles and the t-belt at around 103 (which I did myself), and I love this so much more than the other pushrod engines. I love the mid tach power it has. Heck, some guy pulled in front of me today going slow, so I pulled into the other lane and punched it, I heard the sound of the tires breaking lose shifting into 2nd. that's nice


Yea, there's days that I miss the DOHC that both my Lumina and Cutlass had. I miss hearing it wind up to 6.5 Grand at WOT and the scream that came along w/ it.

If I ever get another DOHC equipped car, it'll have to be a 5-speed car.

As far as maintenance, I never had any big problems w/ any of mine. The alternator went out on my cutlass right before I sold it. I bit my lip and did the work myself and it turned out not to be that bad of a job, not as bad as I had expected at least.

Guest Anonymous

I think I;ve just gotten stuck with the lemons of the 3.4 world.


How it goes is this, the pushrod owners don't know the 3.4. They think, "how much of a difference can it be?" They think of their 3.1 with a little more power, when reality it is totally different, everything about how it drives. It takes owning one, or a lot of rides in one, to really like it. In fact, my buddy has a Z24 and swears by his 2.4. For the past month or so he's had open access to my white car. He calls me the other day and says this, "Dude, I'm stealing your car." We laughed, then he explained how he wants me to buy the next crate motor I found, which I did. He is now on the prowl for a Fiero, and we will do our swaps together, and have 2 kickass cars.

What do you like about the DOHC?


pretty much everything!


except its worthless lowend and small aftermarket it's perfect...


i adore both of my DOHCs, i like them because i find it fairly simple to work on, the smoothness, quietness, and the roar as the tach burries itself at 6500. in fact i really am missing my LQ1 nowadays with the camaro.


and as far as 3.1 owners perspective i see things from the 3.4 looking at the 3.1, i drove a 3100 cutlass ciera awhile back and you really have to get used to the power being in completely differnet places.


other then a timing belt every 60k and routine matniance its been the best engine i ever owned thus far.

What do you like about the DOHC?


pretty much everything!


except its worthless lowend and small aftermarket it's perfect...


am i the only 3.4dohc owner who think the lowend is just fine? I can pull up the steepest hils "under" 2k rpms 1600-1800rpms where some pushrods have to be at 2-3k+rpms

maybe its the 95 intakes?..


As for my opinion on the 3.4dohc. I love it. first time i slamed the gas the stearing about got away from me b/c i wasnt used to the topend pull. very supprising if you are used to a common pushrod. As for mods(most custom) ~500-700 dollars spent wisely will make a huge difference in how the car performs and opens a new door to the potential of the car itself. Yes im crazy i spent like $700 in performance mods. and yes i took a full second off my qt mile time from what it was when i got it.


I must say going from 3.4 to 3.1 was more then disapointing. The 3.1 definatly felt the same untill about 2.5k. then is just kind of made noise.


The car was a 91 cutty international fully loaded, I drove it all winter 03/04.


here are the only pics I have of it on this comp. You can see the z34 makes an apperence as well.






Makes an appearance? The Z34 puts the Cutty to shame in looks as well!!!


As for this worthless low end, my Z34 made over 150ft lbs of torque at the wheels from 2000rpm to 6500. Pretty nice curve if you ask me. The power is about the same as a 3.1/3100 until about 2500, and from there to about 3500 it is the same as a 3400, then the 3.4 wipes both their asses :twisted:

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