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Title says it all.


I'm getting quite serious and geeked - and I KNOW this topic has been beaten to death and back - but the search is no help - and Googling it doesn't do anything much better - so here are my main questions..


1. Can i keep my STOCK (1989) Digital dash cluster? (UB3 - the optional one)

2. Can anyone direct me to the correct web page ([i've been there once before] I can't find it in my history) that has all this other info that I will be needing?


3. When I do this (I'm assuming Early June will be the start date) what are some of the specifics you are going to want? Should I just video tape everything that I do?


I wanna keep this car as stock as possible - and actucally give some of the Gran Sport name back to this classic. The 3.1 isn't Gran or sporty in any way...


Thanks for the help guys! I would get a DVOM and a O-scope - but I kinda need the Regal right now as my Daily Driver - but looking for another vehicle in the 1K range if someone wants to help out!!


Register over at http://www.l67swap.com. There aren't too many people over here that've done the swap (the owner of l67swap.com pops in from time to time though.)


From what I gather, you can still use your stock cluster. "brianteel" is the guy over at l67swap that'll make you a custom harness so the L67 will be "plug-n-play."


That is what the wite was was - thanks man - but I do plan to document EVERYTHING. Every damn wire down to the gague and color!


I really want to do this - because it hasn't been done or extensivly documented!


nothing is extremely documented because it really does not need to be. The wiring diagrams on the site have all the wires for the most part and the write ups are general but give insturctions on what needs to be pulled.


if you need an adapter for the dash it is 250


i can tell you how to do a whole swap right now it is not hard. most poeple have trouble with understanding what needs to be done for the wiring. although i am finding out better options and easier options as i go along


Hi, welcome.


Ok, why are you complaining about no power when I'm stuck in a 3300lb car with only a 125hp 2.8v6!!!! :?



:mrgreen: Hope the swap goes ok!

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