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Does Your Engine Burn Oil???

Does your engine burn oil?  

  1. 1. Does your engine burn oil?

    • Yes, quite a bit.
    • Yes a little when pushing it hard.
    • No, doesn't burn any at all!

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Does your engine burn oil??


If you want you can post your mileage and what engine as well..


Personally my 3.1 hasn't burned/used any oil since I've owned it - and it has been working pretty hard sometimes :twisted:


Anyone else?!


- Jeff L.

Guest TurboSedan

i have to add about 1 quart between oil changes, but i have pretty high miles too.


moved this to Powertrain...


when mines not leaking if from the F@#$@##@@!~ O ring it uses VERY little oil.


Mine is great...no problems after the first 3k of owning it (it sat a lot before that, then proceeded to weep some oil)...


My sister's '94 CS Coupe's 3100 used to use a quart in 500 miles...turned out that the LIM gasket was bad (that was what I thought too)


My old '88 CS with the 2.8 would use about 1/2 quart in 3k miles...at about 195k on it...


Ive had pretty good luck with not leaking any oil or any fluid for that matter. :wink:


almost up to 84000! but I think Im only at about 83400 so I still got a while to go


My '89 CS 2.8 burns absolutely no oil at 175000 miles. I change at 2K miles, but the level is always right near full, where it should be.


never have had to add between oil changes, that said, I've changed the intake gaskets twice in the 10 years I've owned it....


My Cutlass would burn about 1/2 - 1 qt. every 4k. I knew when it got to that point I had to change the oil. Stupid way of remembering, but whatever works.


Newp - good go here. Not a drop (atleast what I can tell :P)


Engine is only 5 years old and about 90K miles on it (I think that's right?)


Oil??? Why would it burn oil? It used to leak a little on the ground so I just drained it all out one day and that seemed to have fixed the problem. When I went to work the next day it quit running shortly after I started it but I think it was just a POS or something. :mrgreen: My friend was having the same problem so we tried to drain the oil and couldn't find the plug, so we just pulled the oil filter off and started it up. And I'll be damned if the thing didn't seize up on him!


My Lumina used a little oil before I did an oil change on it (seemed like about a quart after 3k miles) however, 800 miles into this oil and it hasn't burned a drop.


My STE doesn't burn any anymore, however it does leak a good bit. I think its leaking from the dist. o-ring.




My Beretta has 193K on the 3.1 and doesn't burn any oil. The rear main seal seeps, and the flywheel cover will have a little oil on it every 2K miles when I change the oil.

The STE doesn't leak or burn any oil at 103K

I had to do the Dist o ring when I bought it in November, but since then it's been dry as a bone.



Fix it! for the love of God it only takes a couple hours max, and it's a good time to clean the TB too. Unless your 3100 stuff gets in the way?


Mine uses between 1/2 - 1 qt between changes 3K miles.


Fix it! for the love of God it only takes a couple hours max, and it's a good time to clean the TB too. Unless your 3100 stuff gets in the way?


I'll fix it when I am driving the damn thing again. I put a new o-ring in it when I did the swap but it started leaking anyways. I've only put 1500 miles on the engine since the swap, due to my two tranny failures since the swap its been sitting since Oct. I plan on tearing it down and fixing it eventually but I'm more worried about being able to drive it first. And cleaning the TB that has 1500 miles on it since its last cleaning is probably a waste of time.




Whenever I do the o-ring jobs I also put in a distributor gasket from a 350 engine under the dist shaft before putting it all back together, and they will *usually* never leak again. I did the Beretta 3 yrs ago, and haven't seen a drop.


My old Z34, never leaked, but on startup burned a little, and 7k shifts 8) .


Figured it was valve seals.


Strangely enough, I actually get some consumption when doing midnight 10 hour runs at 1500rpm (~45mph) from southern Saskatchewan to Calgary. A roundtrip (800-900 miles) burns off 1/3rd to 1/2 a quart, whereas normally I only would go through a quart every 10k miles due to the leaks.


3.4 DOHC burns a little oil. Where it goes? Nobody knows. :shrug:


Actually I noticed a little wisp of blue smoke right when it starts up when cold. I don't know if it's rings or valve stem seals. It doesn't burn enough that I really care.


With 194000 miles on the 2.8 in my 88, it doen't burn a drop. But it leaks like a MOFO!


The 180k mile 3.1 burned a little (about 1/2 a quart low at each oil change)

The 85k mile 3400 burns it pretty profusely :roll: (about a 1 1/2 quarts low at each oil change)

The 157k mile 3800 burns it about like the 3.1 did.


(Then again, I'm at WOT probably way more often than you should)


How can all these cars have oil burning on them?

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