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coolant light blinks

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i noticed that my coolant light blinked on a couple times. it wasnt on for more than a second though. i checked my coolant, and it wasnt low, but it was thick and sludgy. so i bought some dex-cool and im waiting for some spare time to do a flush. think that'll help? does the light come on when the coolant is only dirty?


Mine has never gone on and I've been waaaaaaaaaaay short. Ive also never seen the oil light come on either. I didnt know those lights actually turned on :(


yup. think its a problem? the temp hasnt been at all high, but god knows that could be broken anyways.


y? it even says here at w-body.com to use dex-cool cause its less corrosive.


Yeah switching over to DEXCOOL will be to much of a hassle...just flush and use the green stuff


From what I understand, you only use DEXCOOL if the vehicle came from the factory with it...because the seals and stuff are different...but cehicles that didn't come with it don't have the correct seals and gaskets to be compatible with DEXCOOL....plus, you have to be sure to get ALL of the old stuff out of the whole system because any contamination will destroy the different properties of each coolant....so I guess it is just as easy to put the old green stuff back in


- Jeff L.

i noticed that my coolant light blinked on a couple times. it wasnt on for more than a second though. i checked my coolant, and it wasnt low, but it was thick and sludgy. so i bought some dex-cool and im waiting for some spare time to do a flush. think that'll help? does the light come on when the coolant is only dirty?


Are you sure the sludge is from the coolant? Does it look anything like oil is getting into the cooling system?


Dex Cool turns muddy and sludgy it is crap, It should be flushed out of everything and refilled with a good green. and changed every 2 years

No fluid should be in a car for 150k or 5 years like GM recomends with Dex-Cool, coolant maintance must be meticulous on alloy engines or hello headgaskets or hello intake


For the coolant light i would flush and fill with nice clean coolant and hopefully it goes out, if not replace sensor in upper left side of rad tank.


Are you talking about the Blazer here? The late 90's Blazers with the 4.3 were notorious for sludging up due to the Dex-Cool. I'm sure if you did a Google, you'd uncover a wealth of info on the subject...


this is my 2.8 Grand Prix, not my blazer. but you got me worried now. the coolant in the GP doesnt look like its got oil in it. it just looks really rusty.


mine in my white cutlass did too

i went and kept filling the system with water and running it for a bit to flush it out.

then when all i got coming out of the system was clean water i did a 50/50 mix of the green stuff and water. my car is due for it again this year too its a good idea to do it every year or 2 depends on how much you drive the car :?


I put Dex-cool in my 89 w/2.8L 40,000 miles ago.

Not a problem so far. No sludge, it's clear, bright orange. It couldn't do any worse than the greene Prestone I had in it before... Prestone ate the head gaskets like candy.


Only time I've ever seen Dex-cool that wasn't clear, bright orange, was in a Blazer. Any time I've put it in one of my own cars, it's stayed bright clear and orange.


Well, come to think of it, it wasn't a Blazer, it was a 4x4 S-10 pickup of the same body style as your Blazer. Pretty much the same thing I guess!


I could be wrong, but I've read all the sludgy crap in them is from some stop-leak pellets GM factory-filled them with. Flush it and refill it, it should be fine.


Dex-cool is really not the evil, horrible stuff people have made it out to be. Some people even blame intake gasket leaks on Dex-cool, but ALL GM intake manifold gaskets of the rubber & plastic design from 91 to 10/16/98 will leak.


lol I like how you give 30 minutes before you start to get impatient.


It just sounds like old cruddy coolant. Flush 'er out and fill 'er up with green. I don't understand spending more for Dex when they both do the same thing.

lol I like how you give 30 minutes before you start to get impatient.

wtf are you talking about?


It just sounds like old cruddy coolant. Flush 'er out and fill 'er up with green. I don't understand spending more for Dex when they both do the same thing.
thats the plan. i just exchanged the coolant today. gotta flush it on wed or thur. i wanted dexcool cause its supposed to last longer. but ive since changed my mind cause of the replys
lol I like how you give 30 minutes before you start to get impatient.

wtf are you talking about?


Sun May 01, 2005 5:15 pm
Sun May 01, 2005 5:47 pm



It just sounds like old cruddy coolant. Flush 'er out and fill 'er up with green. I don't understand spending more for Dex when they both do the same thing.
thats the plan. i just exchanged the coolant today. gotta flush it on wed or thur. i wanted dexcool cause its supposed to last longer. but ive since changed my mind cause of the replys


THAT right there is THE problem with Dexcool. Everyone who has it thinks that it'll last for 745,000 miles. It doesn't. It lasts just as long as the standard green. And when people run it for 150,000 miles without a refreshing flush, problems quickly erupt. Coolant becomes acidic once it begins to break down. Acidic liquids along with higher mileage cork and rubbers gaskets doesn't equal friendly territory.


It just sounds like old cruddy coolant. Flush 'er out and fill 'er up with green. I don't understand spending more for Dex when they both do the same thing.


It's just like a buck more per gallon for Havoline, and its anti-corrosive properties ARE superior to the green stuff.

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