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shuddering in gear

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I've been watching my car while driving more to find exactly what is wrong

I now know that I'l be driving along doing +40mph and if I accelerate the cars will rev to whatever rpm (say 2-3000) and suddenly the rpms will drop a few hundred rpm almost as if it shifted (cant be sure) and voila shudder from what feels like the tranny, if I dont change the acceleration the shudder will not stop, somtimes its a constant droning shudder sound other times it seems to almost be like a surging shudder from the tranny

I starting to think when I accelerate, the car after a second or two drops the rpms by shifting up a gear and forsome reason this isnt working like its supposed to because the only way to stop it is to FLOOR it (goes to a different gear?) or take your foot of the gas,

theres no warning lights on btw


Sounds like your torque converter is messed up. That drop in RPM that you said is sort of like a shift is your TCC locking up. Obvisouly, when it is locking something isn't quite right.

When you pound your foot to the mat the troque converter is unlocked and that would be why you don't have the shuddering.


- Jeff L.


Oh, I'll let someone more knowledgable chime in, but there is a plug you can unplug from the TCC solenoid I think which will cause the TCC to never lock. Of course, this would result in worse fuel economy, but if it doesn't shudder after doing that you have found your problem.


- Jeff L.


same thing happened to my cutty...someone on these forums told me to unplug the connector that goes onto the trans for the torque converter lock up switch. just remove your airbox and its right there on the side of the trans. i unplugged it and it don't shudder any more :)


I talked with one of the techs at my work who has a 3.1 beretta auto, he told me he had a similar problem its common with the 2.8/3.1 auto's he told me to unplug the connector for the sensor and see if it goes away, he removed his a year ago and its fine but he dosent take it on the highway because it'l rev at like 4000+rpm, he said if this solves the problem than I most likely need the sensor inside the side plate of the tranny its $60 and real easy to replace he told me, thats if I decide to have it done instead of just leaving it and avoiding the highway. kinda afraid to unhook it considering how bad my gas mileage is right now with it connected


I have a 3.1 and a 3 spd auto, and the lockup has been unplugged on my car for over 5 years. I can still get between 25 and 30 mpg on the highway.


On a side note, the '91 Z34 that I am looking at buying has that same shudder, so I've been getting the same answers from others about the cause.


- Justin

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