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when my car is warmed up, the trans seems to shudder a little in 4th but not bad, but when the torque converter kicks in it shakes like crazy. when its cold, it dosn't do it at all. i was wondering if there was any way to disconnect the torque converter lock up switch. thanks for the help


Open your hood, and remove the airbox. You see that 4-pin plug in the front of the tranny? Unplug that. Bingo.


Some times plug wire problems seem like tranny problems. I suggest that you fire it up at night, let it warm up or drive it until you have the problem, then pull over and open the hood w/o the hood light on and see if there's any spark jumping around the wires in the dark. Or just change the wires and see if it goes away.


i've put new plugs and wires on it about 250mi ago, and also replaced a coil pack. runs like shit still but i think its injectors, but thats another forum......when the trans does that shudder/shake, i shift it into 3rd and it goes away. also when i floor it to make it upshift it into 2nd from 45mph or so, it upshifts really hard i dunno what that could be, maybe the whole trans is shitty, fluid is kinda red and dosn't smell.

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