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Changing Intake Gaskets On A 3100

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well, yesterday i got a new intake gasket set...hopefully its the right one...there were 2 different ones...the one i got has valve guides, the other didnt have em!?...anywayz, i'm hopefully going to be changing them this coming saturday, along with a new thermostadt...i've never had one of these engines torn apart before, so i'm wondering if there's anything i need to be carefull about or things i should do to make life easier!?...any help would be great...thanx


Don't buy your new thermostat from Meijer. :bash:


Other than that, keep your bolts together, and make sure everything goes back together as it came apart. When you take the LIM off, and you get ready to put it back on, make sure there's plenty of RTV down where the LIM meets the block. Make sure both those surfaces are clean and dry as well.

Don't buy your new thermostat from Meijer. :bash:


:lol: ...BTW: did you end up getting a 180* t-stat?...cause i asked about one @ napa, and they don't have one... :roll:

Don't buy your new thermostat from Meijer. :bash:


:lol: ...BTW: did you end up getting a 180* t-stat?...cause i asked about one @ napa, and they don't have one... :roll:


Yep. Got it from Autozone.

Don't buy your new thermostat from Meijer. :bash:


:lol: ...BTW: did you end up getting a 180* t-stat?...cause i asked about one @ napa, and they don't have one... :roll:

You may have to cross referance to get one. I think your's is 42mm. Just ask for a 180 in that size they should have it. I got my 180 from napa and it hasn't failed yet. (stant superstat)
make sure there's plenty of RTV down where the LIM meets the block.


:werd: I wasted two perfectly good gaskets because of that.. I wasn't confident I had put enough on there so I tore the LIM back off, and only about half of the gaskets came with it...


Don't be afraid to overdo it on those particular surfaces. Just make sure you go over all surfaces with a razor blade and clean them up good.


so, can someone confirm for me that i bought the right set?...just wanna make sure before i get this thing torn apart...as, i'll be doing it @ the shop i work @ which is not in town, so, once i tear the car apart...i better have everything i need...


check my post on wbodysource...lol


but as for the gasket set, give me the part # and brand on the box and I can make sure it's the right one


well, guess i'll be changing them tomarrow...hopefully i have all the parts i'm gonna need...cause once i take it apart, i won't have any way to get to the auto parts store if i need anything :lol: ...oh well...i'll let you guys know if i get my problems solved...(if you don't see me around here for a few days, you'll know why :lol: )


intake gasket set, thermostadt & gasket, 2 gallons of dexcool, oil, filter...am i missing anything?... :?

Gasket scraper, torque wrench, etc.. can't think of too much else...


have that stuff in my toolbox @ work (where i'll be workin on my car) so thats not a problem...just hopefully i won't need any other parts...


now john... you know a TQ wrenh is optional.... :lol: :lol: even for headgaskets :lol:

now john... you know a TQ wrenh is optional.... :lol: :lol: even for headgaskets :lol:


:wink: As long as you follow the tightening sequence.. :roll: I'm still kinda pissed at myself about that..

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